Directorial sketch ideas~~ bah.

Mar 01, 2010 00:52

Hello all, I have a inquiry I'd like to share with you all. Firstly, I'm a film major & for a production class I'm taking, we have a directorial sketch that each student has to do. We have to be able to shoot our idea during our 4 hour class and only in and around the campus where my class is held. Now, I have a general idea for my sketch, and since we're able to use a short scene transcribed from a film (although I should ask if TV shows are suitable - I can ask tomorrow), I was wondering if you all could help me.

My idea was to write something very Jeeves & Wooster-esque. Alas, I am not gifted with Wodehouse's style of writing so I decided that, perhaps, I'll transcribe a scene from an episode. My predicament, however, is which scene to transcribe. So now I pass on over to you: what scene do you think would be a good scene to transcribe? I'd prefer a scene with just Bertie & Jeeves, just so it's easier to shoot & I could have more people on my crew (since I'd most likely use group members for the cast). Something I can easily adapt to shoot around the campus. Any thoughts? & thanks. =]

*btw, if you're members of indeedsir - you'll probably see this twice, lol.

jeeves and wooster, school stuffs, the flist knows all

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