Day 48 (okay, & 49): John Combes, Jr. - A Noteworthy Knight

Mar 01, 2010 01:18

I know I just made a project 365 update yesterday, but this - this was the night I was looking forward to all week. Not just because I knew the video would be done & over with (although I found out that night that there was an interview they wanted on it, but I didn't have the footage, so I'm doing that this week), but because I knew that it would be the night that Mr. Combes saw it. As usual, though, I get there late - so I missed the screening of the video. I really wanted to be there to see the reactions, but I heard enough afterwards to make my night. The first thing he said to me when he saw me was 'and here's our videographer!' I gave him the biggest hug ever & said he liked it. After that... my night was pretty much golden. I did what I set out to accomplish (for once). We bantered about the photos I used ('I really liked it, although there were some interesting photos there....' 'I have no idea what you're talking about.' Then he just looked at me & I started laughing.) & I talked to some friends (mostly the ones in the photo) that I haven't seen in a long time.

I know I bitched & moaned about how much work I was doing for this video - probably because I shouldn't have had to give them the idea that band kids should be in the video, or that there should've been an intro shot for it already. Regardless of all of that though, I had a lot of fun doing it. I mean, I was really nervous & anxious for Saturday night, just because of his reaction. He's not a big fan of getting attention like this, he doesn't care about the recognition from the school, just as long as band gets to do what they do & that they compete well, he's a happy camper. He doesn't like the attention and that's why I respect him so much. But I think that this was really important to me because of the role he's played in my life. He's dealt with my family for 6 years (& counting...whenever I go back to ND & visit or whatever) and even though I didn't tell him about my mom right away, he was really supportive & everything. I know I said I probably wouldn't edit another video for him if he gets recognized with another honor, but I probably would. He's done a lot for us (I mean, if you've seen how much he pushes us to do our best in band, then you'd know what I mean) & this is pretty much one way I can repay him for that.

Oh &

I never really looked through the program last night... So when I looked through it earlier tonight, well, just imagine my surprise when I saw my name in the program, bwahahahahaha.

rl, [project] project 365, picture post, a day in the life

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