Things That Need Doing

Feb 14, 2011 11:12

I need to start making more lists.

I've never really been a "lists" sort of person - or, really, an organized person at all - but I have this sort of soul-crushing optimism that someday, maybe, I will be super organized and get everything done on time and never be stressed ever again ever.

Which is impossible, obviously, but we all have our ridiculous pipe dreams.

Anyway, I thought it might be helpful to construct a list of things I need / want to get done in the near future, so I don't forget anything. None of these things may seem trivial enough to actually forget, but my talent for letting things slips through the cracks in my memory is near miraculous.

  1. School:
    • Check graduation requirements. I've been putting it off for a while now, because stuff due for class always takes precedence over something I don't have to worry about until signups for next semester, but I need to sit down and figure out how many credits I need, exactly, to get the degrees - yes, degrees - I want and how long it's going to take me. If I'm going to end up being here another four years I'll need to shift my priorities a bit.
    • Finish my Victorian Lit notes I'm so behind, you have no idea.
    • Phones. Everyone's phone in the library is making text noises like mine and it's making me paranoid. This has nothing to do with anything, I just wanted to throw it out there.
    • Exam Schedule I have all my syllabi, and a big huge desk calendar in my room bought for me to use specifically to keep better track of all my due dates. I need to write them all down and get everything in order.
  2. Home:
    • Epic cleaning. List includes my room, my bathroom, the upstairs bathroom and the kitchen, although I have a lot of shit in the dining room so I'll probably end up cleaning that, too. It should be nice and easy now that we have a vacuum that actually works. I could have done it this weekend but ... I was distracted by the internet. It happens.
    • My car needs an oil change and tire rotation. Does what it says on the tin. Going to cost me, at least, $50.
    • Decoration. My room needs a little color. Actually, it needs a lot of color, but I don't trust my artistic mural skills so one of these days I'm just going to do all the walls in an amazing color. Something blue or red or green. I want to feel energized every time I walk in there.
    • Boards. I have a corkboard, a mirror, and a whiteboard I want to put up on my walls but never really got around to doing. They would be so ridiculously helpful there aren't word. I needed to do this about a year ago.
  3. Other:
    • Get a job. This is the most important because I need this, literally, for every other thing I need in this category.
    • Alyssa's wedding - March 4 in Oshkosh. I'm going to need a nice dress, at least, for this. So excited for Alyssa and Bryan!
    • Shay's wedding - June 5 in California(?). Once again, nice dress and a present, because Shay is my girl and she deserves a goddamn epic wedding present. I have no idea what it will be yet, but I assure you, it will be the best present of ALL THE PRESENTS EVER. Also I need a plane ticket and a hotel room, which are kind of also super important.
    • Glee Live - June 3 in Chicago. I don't know if this is actually happening, but going to see the Warblers would be just about the coolest thing ever.
  4. General Purchases:
    • Cosmetics: I need a set of brushes, toner, and nail care supplies.
    • Haircare: Sponge rollers and hair combs. Some extensions or clips if I can find good ones. A couple wigs from Cyperious. Spray leave-in conditioner.
    • People I Owe. I need to make two appointments with two different doctors and pay off the bill I owe to my psychologist. I owe my mom about $950 and I need $750 for insurance that I don't have and I'm sure the payment is due ... today. Also, I need $50-60 for my JCP credit card bill. SIGH BILLS BILLS BILLS, Warblers you know what's up.

And ... back to fanfiction. Then class. Then Victorian Lit. Then MOAR FANFICTION.

getting my shit together, university

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