Quick Update on Fanfiction

Feb 13, 2011 23:31

I haven't written fanfiction in a really long time.

I actually have my prior reasoning right here, saved for all (feasibly) of Web eternity, on my DeviantArt page:
I have little interest in writing Harry Potter fanficiton anymore, and feel much more drive in pursuing an original story I've been working on for a year or so.

Basically, I let the real world put this notion into my head - this notion that the only writing worth writing is original stuff.

People who don't write have a hard enough time understanding why someone would write for fun in the first place - if I had a dollar, as the saying goes, for every time someone said something like, "But it's not for a grade," or "You're not even getting paid for this," or "Isn't there something you should be getting done that matters instead" I'd be so flipping rich I could just sit at home writing fanfiction all day ... and really, isn't that the dream? It's a sentiment I understand, and I never really had a problem with it.

Where it gets dicey is when they tell you fanfiction is a waste of your time because you can't sell it. Something's alleged monetary value shouldn't be it's most defining characteristic. Money isn't the most important thing, joy is; that's something I believe in whole-heartedly, and I'll raise my voice above the din time and time again to remind the world, because it's something that bears repeating.

I went back through my DeviantArt account solely for the purpose of getting that quote, and ended up reading an old Harry Potter story I wrote back in 2008. It's silly and charming - a bit rough around the edges, but everything you wrote 4 years ago is going to sound rough compared to what you write now - but most of all, it's fun.

I've spent too much time being serious with my writing. Taking something too seriously makes you afraid of it, makes you want to stop doing it even though you love it, because you psych yourself into this delusive funk where you know you can't write because nothing will ever be as brilliant as you want it to be. I'm never going to be Shakespeare or Italo Calvino or even Stephen King. And that's okay; I like being "just me".

But with fanfiction you can just let loose. There isn't so much pressure, because it's supposed to be something you do for fun. While other people play video games or go running or study dead languages for fun ... some people write fanfiction. Some people like me. At least, I used to.

I want to write more steadily. I don't want to be afraid of some rejection looming in the future because, really? It's going to happen at least once. Probably a lot. Working back up to that point where I can come home and throw away all my cares and just create, laughing and smirking and planning out subplots and catfights and epic tearjerking angst-fests until all that joy feels like it's going to make me explode ... I want that more than anything.

So. Baby steps!

Here's some of the things I'd like to work on in the near future:
  1. Harry Potter
    • Make Me Scene. It's just adorable and stupid and cute and hilarious. I kind of love it; I probably always will. I'd like to refine some things, and I know the Harry/Draco ship sailed a looooong time ago, but those two are still fun to play around with.
  2. Glee
    • Gossip Girl/Glee crossover. I know, I know. Ridiculous, right? That's kind of the point. I'm thinking, for Nationals, New Directions ends up in New York. Kurt will be back with them by then, and maybe the Warblers will fly up for moral support - let's face it, Blaine can convince Gay Hogwarts to do anything for him. From my tumblr: "Kurt Hummel / Chuck Bass fashion OTP. Kurt can get a signature scarf and they can wax over their love of bowties and waistcoats and ridiculous hats." Who wouldn't want to read that?
    • GG/HP crossover. I see this a lot, and mostly I want to do it because Kurt always ends up transferring to Hogwarts which makes no sense to me. Why would he transfer to a school in England from Lima, Ohio? Just make Dalton into Gay Hogwarts OH WAIT IT ALREADY IS PROBLEM SOLVED.
    • Mobster Blaine FUCK. You guys don't even know, but Mobster!Blaine is, like, my favorite Glee fandom trope. More than the wood nymphs and the batshit fiascos and Kurt's stressbaking. And there's so little of it in Klaine fandom specifically, it's very sad. Mostly it's just The FabFather series!

Yeah, so ... Maybe I'll start writing one of those all of those who am I kidding tomorrow. I need to actually sleep to make it to class tomorrow. :p

And Glee finally gets a tag! Hooray! (I am literally astounded I haven't spoken about Glee yet on this blog. What's become of us, Kurt? me?)

harry potter, glee, university, fanfiction

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