Apr 09, 2008 15:34
Had a conversation with a co-worker today that went like this:
Him: I'm getting old.
Me: We all are...but hey, it's better than the alternative.
Him: I'm not so sure.
Me: Are we thinking of the same alternative?
Him: Yeah...I think there's a lot to be said for dying young.
Me: *splutter*
Him: And I think a lot of people feel that way. I'll bet at least 50% of people would be willing to go ahead and die while they were young and robust. In their 30's, even.
Me: I'll take that bet.
So this is me...asking if ANYONE here would be willing to 'go ahead and die' while they're young.
While you're busy not responding in the affirmative, I'll start gathering office supplies with which to smack Gloomy Gus about the head.