Oct 02, 2009 01:06
Another play audition had finally come up, and Jim found himself genuinely looking forward to it. Acting suited him in a strange way, gave him a creative outlet he used to fill by the random pranks he'd played on Dwight all day. It was enough to have him keep coming back, much as Shakespeare really did take him a while to get through. It was a worthwhile effort.
Jim never had a lot of quiet time to himself. Samantha was a tiny force to be reckoned with and she knew it now more than ever. Having gotten up early one morning, he slipped out of the hut, not wanting to wake Pam or Samantha up. He didn't go far - just sat against the wall outside, in fact, since he was too lazy to go anywhere else.
He didn't know how long he was sitting there, flipping through the book he'd found a few days before. He thought he'd spotted the character of the play he wanted to try for, but it seemed like a pretty leading role. He might've had a big part in the last play, but that didn't make it any less intimidating.
Maybe he'd find someone else. He considered the idea as he flipped to the next page. He had a little while more before he had to head out to see if he wanted to attempt anyone else or if he was going to stick to what he had been practicing on and off.