With the 2nd season of the Game of Thrones mini-series being released at the start of the week we've got a BUTTLOAD of ASoIaF merchandise in at Chapters (in addition to all our Hunger Games swag). Mugs, keychains, a letter opener shaped like Ned Stark's sword Ice, journals, t-shirts - I especially liked the t-shirts and I'm debating getting either a
Targaryen or a
Stark one (the links go to the men's shirts but we also sell the same designs in womens' shirts) - any thoughts?
I've only finished the first book in the series, but I'm loving it so far and the first season of the mini-series rocked. A Clash of Kings is on my list as soon as I finish Unbroken and (finally) read The Hunger Games.
We also got a new general manager at the store...who apparently has never worked in a bookstore and doesn't read a whole lot. Ooookay. To be fair, she seems quite nice and personable so I guess I'll just wait and see how it all shakes out.