Pregnancy 101 (as I experienced it)

Mar 29, 2009 05:08

   Ahh what can one say about pregnancy? Well depending on who you talk to it can mean many different things. From my experience I really cannot really complain too much about my pregnancy. During my time carrying Mya I was in mostly very good health. I was definitely exhausted during my first trimester and passed out for naps as often as possible for sure. After that was over I had an upswing of energy and even continued to go to the gym after working all day. I had the occasional heartburn and upset stomach but never had morning sickness. She really was a very delightful guest *giggles*. I remember the first time I felt her magical. I was lying that morning in bed and I felt as if someone was running a finger along the inside of my stomach from hip to hip the lightly poking spots. It was the most extraordinary feeling I had ever known. She moved on th somersaulting and karate chopping me, I swear a few times she was dancing salsa but it never really hurt. She did one time scare me to pieces when she suddenly felt like she did "the wave".
    Towards the end of the pregnancy I was defintely more and more tired. It began to be more difficult to do my daily activities, working with kids was an increasing challenge.  I had to start sleeping with a "fortress of pillows" to sleep but slept well once positioned. I lived in the bathroom for the last couple of months *laughs*.  I gained exactly 24 lbs during the pregnancy (the icon is my actual tummy on Election day she is wearing my voting sticker).
    I did suffer from chronic sinus congestion during the last number of weeks during my pregnancy which funnily enough went away a day after I gave birth. I read it was normal for some women to have sinus problems during pregnancy. I also snored during my pregnancy which I have never done (I am a talker) and it has gone away since my giving birth.
    All in all I LOVED being pregnant really. I felt stronger and amazing to think of what I was able to create. I tried to enjoy every minute of our time together. I knew this was going to be the only time in my life where she was all mine and we were literally one. I adored her more than I could ever describe from the moment I knew she existed.

As for Mike he was such a wonderful partner. He read to her and talked to her. I was really big on reading to her and playing all types of music. I remember one day Mike tried out the experiment of tapping on my tummy o see if she would answer him she did. He thought it may be a fluke and tried again a few days later and sure enough she not only did it again but followed him around to different spots. We will have to tell her how she played Pat a cake and Tag with Daddy before she was born.
   As I always try to do I see where I was very lucky and want to express my gratitude. All I wanted was to have a healthy pregnancy to make a healthy baby and I got that...all the rest was extra.  Despite my hormones crying over the silliest things (Darn Pampers commercials *laughs*) I was feeling really good during most of my pregnancy. Thanks again Mya for being such a good girl!

Here are some pictures:


Mya and I at the beach in Cape Cod (about 4 months)           On the way to a wedding (5 and 1/2 months)


Seven and a half months                                                           Almost nine months

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