Come around, come around no more.

Dec 30, 2007 22:13

I hope everyone else had a nice holiday. I eventually did! By Wednesday, I was hungry again and more or less put back on the weight I lost two days prior. Sigh. I got a belated Thanksgiving dinner since I didn’t go to one this year. Maybe that’s the culprit.

spastasmagoria is beautiful and answered my request and wrote delicious crack!fic about Time Kings. She truly writes the best crack!fic ever.

I finally saw Sweeney Todd with my parents. I don’t think my mom even watched the movie… she just had her hands in front of her face the whole time. I’m too tired and jetlagged to write a proper review of it, but I loved it. I spent the next half hour comparing the show with the movie, talking about likes/dislikes and whatnot with my parents till their ears bled. This was, mind you, over dinner. I may have gone a little too far into discussion, for I got The Look several times from my mom. Apparently, slashing throats is not public dinner conversation.

Thursday was filling in all the things I needed to do while I was visiting, aka close my bank account, get my haircut and colored and visit the dentist. The good news is I didn’t get scolded about my enamel, meaning I *HAVE* cut down on my Coke intake! The bad news is I had to get three teeth sandblasted and sort of filled. Sigh. I can’t win. So, again, my New Year’s resolution is my teeth. The other OTHER good news is that I haven’t had a Coke since I was sick, meaning it’s been almost a week. Actually, no! It HAS been a week! GO ME. Let’s see how long I can go!

I relaxed a lot. And I mean a lot. I think Friday, I spent on the couch watching TV/DVDs on my parents’ hi-def TV with Gidget. Oh, it hurts me to see how old she’s gotten. She’s gone deaf, or has really selective hearing, and she’s got cataracts, and it takes her a good while to get up and move due to her arthritis. But my god, does that nose still work. I made sure I spent plenty of cuddle time with her. And I got to play with other puppies, filling my need to be around dogs. I miss them.

I went out to dinner with a bunch of girls I went to high school with, and I came to the sad realization that we no longer have anything really in common. I mean, I felt this way in college, but when we’d get together during the summer or winter, we could get together and there was no feeling of awkwardness. And that was all I felt. Two of them didn’t know I was in New York, and I moved a year and a half ago. Oh well.

I did find out some good news. A girl whose family I’ve known for twenty years (wait… *counts*… yeah! Twenty years! Lauren and I were in kindergarten together. Eep!) bought her mom a trip to NYC this February. They’ve never been, so I get to play tour guide. And my brother is thinking about tagging along since her brother is going as well, and those two have been best friends since pre-school. Should be interesting.

PS. One of my presents this year was money put towards a hi-def TV of my own. *drools* This might be a next-weekend purchase. Oh yes. I’ll need it in time for Torchwood to start.

PPS. My flight home today was rather fabulous. I fly JetBlue, and usually I never find anything to watch on their DirectTV. But bless BBC America for running an action/adventure marathon today. I watched Doctor Who, Torchwood and Robin Hood the whole flight!

real life

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