Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, y'all!

Dec 25, 2007 22:17

OMG. So I’m more or less over my food poisoning episode. And a new episode of Who is JUST what the Doctor ordered (LULZ).

Okay, I’m sort of in love with Astrid. She’s so cute and little and tiny and HAS TO STAND ON A BOX TO KISS GUYS. And did I mention she’s gorgeous? And I loved her bouncing around in London because she was underneath an alien sky. And I love that that anagram stuff that people were hypothesizing about was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN. I kept expecting something to pop up, especially when he tried reversing the teleport.

LOL. New theme song, EH?

I’ve been laughing at those trailers where the Doctor gives his speech about being a Time King Lord and being 903. Honestly, WHAT IS WITH THE THREE? It’s the equivalent of saying you’re five and a half! Disregarding that it’s the most pompous speech in the UNIVERSE, but he’s had 900 - sorry, 903 years to get there, AMIRITE.

And going back to the aforementioned Time King… of Galibee, was it? Can there PLEASE be an alternate universe or something where Time Lords are called Time Kings and they come from Galibee? Or something? Let’s make it in Pete’s Universe, yes plz? I demand this fic to be written RIGHT now.

SO many people died in this episode! And was anyone else surprised (you know, considering for this show?) how much blood Midshipman Frame was sporting after he had been shot? Well, I mean, besides the fact that he had been shot was still running about and only had a little bit of blood. I remember in the confidential for Last of the Time Lords where, I think, they were talking about putting on a spot of blood for when the Master gets shot. And it’s really that. You have to keep your eyes peeled for it. Frame, for the most part, was just GUSHING about the place (not really at all).

Soooo… this newspaper vendor guy… he’s supposed to be Someone Important, yes? Keep our eyes open for him? Uh huh.


And now, let’s move onwards to the AWESOMENESS of the S4 trailer!

DONNA. I missed you far too much. And oh, doesn’t she look pretty?

OMG did my eyes spot UNIT?!

My theory about Tennant’s contract saying that he has to lip-lock Every Single One of his companions (or would-be companions) just went through the roof. Oh Doctor… you slut.

Y HALO THAR, MARTHA. Spotted you in the new Torchwood S2 trailer as well, I did!

Sigh. Let’s see if I can hold out for another four months, or however long it’s gonna be.

There might need to be a rewatch, so I can put on my Serious Face.

Oh, and some other holiday business went down today, I guess?

silly, review, who

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