A letter to self in the future

May 21, 2009 23:56

I was working with Kame's radio show timing when I came upon this song by Angela Aki: Tegami - Haikei Juugo No Kimi E.

Kame was talking about this song before he broadcast it on his show, and it is about a 15-year-old who writes a letter to her future self.


Actually, I did that once. But I was twenty and I wrote to my 25-year-old self. Now, where did I put that letter...? XDD
Somehow, it gives a nostalgic feeling. Past times, lost times... memories, you know. ^^;

Anyway, this song is really beautiful, so please listen to it....
(Click on the Japanese song title!)

手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ

Edit: Found a video with Angela Aki. She is the same age as me. XD

Lyrics here for those interested, with romaji and translations.

music, real life

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