Sep 18, 2007 21:46
It's one of those nights where actually I'm kind of sleepy and have reading to do, but just do not want to be at home. Ah, well. Sort of difficult to convince myself to read a play just because the man who thinks it is at all relevant to bring up Stanislavski when discussing Georgian comedy said so, though -- I mean, even performed today, The Rivals just doesn't lend itself to method acting, IMO. (He brought up Brecht, too, at which point I shut out the sound of his voice for the sake of my own sanity. Also, he kicked Robert out of class today for doing outside reading. Kill me now, I can't stand an entire semester with this man.)
Creative Writing is going to convince me I'm a good writer after all. We got the first group's short stories for critiquing today, and they are painful to read. The first one is about a girl who gets addicted to meth after her boyfriend dumps her and her stepmother dies (oh, and by the way -- her father is dead, her stepfather adopted her, then the mother died, then the stepfather remarried, then he died, and the stepfather's second wife is the one who dies in the beginning of the story) so she decides to become a prostitute, and the story ends five years later when she gets raped, decides she's going to quit this hooker thing, and takes one last customer "for closure" and he turns out to be a cop and arrests her. It is ridiculous. Also, wordy. The second one is set in some sort of futuristic science fiction world where the main character is supposed to write the novel of the century and is being raised in some sort of scientifically created environment designed to help fulfill that goal -- I can't bring myself to read past the first page yet. Have I mentioned I hate 90% of all the sci fi I pick up? Yeaaah.
UTA meeting tomorrow! :D Hopefully there are some neat undergrad-y shows planned for the semester.
ow my brain,