There are Information For Foreigners pictures up on Facebook! Which, naturally, means I have to spam with them here.
This is one of my favorites. Lighting yay.
Travis' incredible paleness makes this picture even cooler.
This one makes less sense without the context of the show, but I like it. :D
It's unclear who this one actually is, but it's still neat.
I really like these two of Jamie.
This one might not be received so well right now. Very cool picture, though.
I cannot even begin to explain this one. Scariest baby ever. It makes a lot more sense within the show.
The Child Monster. No, Casey is not licking the club. That's a spike, not his tongue.
Cailin as Girl in Wet Clothes. Her scenes make me sad. Poor thing.
During shooting --
Reuben: o_O I just unintentionally added a whole new layer of disturbingness to this picture, Ayesha. You look like the Virgin Mary.
Ayesha: . . . *sneeeerk* Let's mail it to my mother!
Angela, who has a super awesome poem to recite in this scene.
And, my favourite. :)
Urinetown tonight! Yay for $5 previews saving the wallets of students everywhere.
Life is a little maddening right now (especially because I registered for classes and have almost nothing decent for the fall -- augh!) but that's okay because there's really not that much time left in the school year, and I can relax a little once the show is over.