May 05, 2007 14:53
Okay, it's been a long time since I've posted in this bloody thing, some of you know some of the reasons behind that as well as the things I've been going through lately. As for myself, I'm still trying to sort out the pieces. If I happen to figure anything out, I'll let you know.
As I have picked up a couple of readers, this can actually be a fairly quick and decent way of disseminating some general information. Still dealing with a few computer issues, etc. from switching everything over to the mac. Some recent glitches canceled each other out and I'm waiting on Lynn for the Microsoft word software I need, though it's currently out of stock. Right now I'm stalling having to go back to the POS and restart it in order to get it working enough to work on some chapters.
Jiu Jitsu is going well despite a low turn out, even more so than usual. There are a couple of people who will be coming over the summer though, so that should be good and hopefully give Emily and myself the chance to advance in belt.
I saw Spiderman 3 thursday night and have to agree with Tim, good . . . but . . . (and yes Jay, you will probably hate it) Warning the next few paragraphs will have to do solely with the movie and may contain spoilers.
It had it's moments that's for sure and some of the actors were spot one, James Franco did a great job with Harry and Kisrten Dunst is still fantastic as Mary Jane. Some of the smaller parts were good too, J.K. Simmons is still the living embodiment of Jonah and Thomas Hayden church made a good Sandman. Actually the performance that I was most disappointed with was Toby Maguire's though he most likely just did what was written for him. In that sense, this is the biggest departure from the comics and by that I mean the spirit of the comics.
First, Gwen Stacy should never have been in the movie, there really wasn't any point and she wasn't as vapid in the comics. The movie itself tried to go into too many directions at once and ended up being hit or miss. There are so many better directions the movie could have gone in. I may pick it up when the director's cut comes out, (hoping that it was the producers that fucked things), but I'm not getting my hopes up. Not nearly as bad as X-men last stand, but definitely disappointing.
Anyway, that's about it for the General info. Having little in the way of plans this weekend, I'll be going to Carl's Cinco de Mayo party and catching up on writing tonight and tomorrow on the old laptop. If there's anything else you want to know, you're just going to have to ask.
P.S. I'll be playing around with some friends only and friends filtered posts, so be sure to sign in if you want to read everything.