Mar 17, 2017 00:20
Today, I did a little. Washed the tub and bath mat, so go me. I kept up with the puzzles in the paper, which is good. Last time, I had to excise all the crosswords and make-words out of a word and wound up doing about 15 crosswords in one go. Love unscrambling. I certainly procrastinated, but got them done. It's easier this way.
Today the word was omnivorous, and I was terribly proud that simoon came to me along with 30 other words or so. My spell-checker hasn't a clue about simoon.
Finally dragged myself out to the library at 7:30 tonight to bring back the Connelly book. I'd planned on borrowing The Narrows, but felt lukewarm about it, so didn't. I'm looking for a change of pace.
A couple of hours later after several games of Belle Lucie, thought I would go out and pick up some beverages and veggies. That was around 10 PM. Got home and had some crudites with lime vinaigrette while I watched a portion of The Blacklist. I also did my journal entry. My how the year is galloping away. I felt it was a little too late to do laundry, so I might get up early and start it at 6 tomorrow.
I'd planned to a do a big shopping trip on Wednesday but ran out of steam and didn't. Now it's looking as though I will be able to be more thoughtful about purchases tomorrow. I want to get some fresh quick oats and brown rice. I would like to embark on a lower sodium diet again. Kinda sorta. I'