Free Your Mind

Jan 02, 2007 17:44

In the spirit of trying to free myself from the "rules of color", what colors go together, I am trying really hard with this stashbusting afghan I'm working on to "Free my Mind" when it comes to color. Since I cast on so many stitches and am knitting with at least 2-3 strands of different weight yarns at any given time, it is actually knitting up really quickly, and is knitting from left to right rather than top to bottom, if you know what I mean. So I only need to keep knitting until it's the width I want and then can bind off and finish however I decide to do that, fringe, tassels, whatever. That being said, I began it knitting in different shades of the same base color (blue - because I seem to have alot of it - man I never realized how much yarn I buy includes at least one shade of blue!), but have progressed from there to include other colors that in the past I would never have put in the same project. I have given myself three rules only: 1) I must knit with yarn I already had when the project was begun; 2) I must knit with at least 2 strands of yarn at a time, but am allowed to knit with more than 2 depending on the weight of the yarn; 3) at all times at least one strand MUST be blue (any shade of blue or a variegated yarn that includes a shade of blue), and at least one strand must NOT be blue. And I have already named it, something I often don't do until I am finished or nearly finished with a project, but all the Bob Dylan we've listened to lately smacked me upside the head with my inspiration. I'll post the name when I post the pics, but some of you may be able to guess what name I'm going with... you'll just have to wait and see if you are right! :) 

blue, stash, freedom, knit, color

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