The highlight of my night thus far. Pitiful? You decide.

May 13, 2006 22:59


*squee moment*

If you do a Google Imagesearch for my username (jeweleddragon), guess what comes up?

...that's right, ladies, gentlemen, and beasts of various kinds and natures. All but two of those involve mustard.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I think midnightlynx had something to do with this. I vaguely remember him posting a bunch of mustard pictures to my LJ.

If you don't know why mustard is so greatly amusing to me, fie on you.

SuperSinapisticETA: Yep!

No, I didn't go all the way back through my LJ searching for that. Google actually spit it out for me.

yayness, sinapistic stuff, gis

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