Of course I didn't copy your ending, Midnightlynx. *utterly innocent blink*

May 13, 2006 14:47

I was tagged by reznorette, curse her immortal soul.

Once you are tagged* you MUST write a blog about your six weird habits/traits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

(1) Whenever I get really bored and don't have a string or rubber band to mess around with, I start trying to tie my fingers into knots. Probably not in my best interest.

(2) I have dark blue eyes. Really, really, really blue eyes. Sometimes it causes random strangers to run up to me and gush over them.

(3) ...I carry books with me even when I'm going to hike up a mountain, apparently. -_-

(4) I sleep on my stomach. Not really sure whether that's abnormal or not.

(5) There is no 5.

(6) Fnord.

I don't feel like tagging anyone.


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