Oct 08, 2008 20:55
I drove to your house when you were so lonely you couldn’t sleep. I talked to you everyday to make sure you were ok. I listened while you went on and on about how much you missed another girl, and you never even heard the tears in my voice. I was there for you.
I let you in, because you convinced me you actually cared… My bad. I was foolish enough to believe you, to trust you, to turn to you in my time of need only to be thrown to the side and treated like an infectious disease.
I’m better then this. I’m better then you can give me.
It was my own fault for thinking for even a split second that I could be with you, that maybe, just maybe we were meant to be together sometime in the future after we both worked through our shit. Now I realize that your shit isn’t just your shit, it is who you are. And who you are is not good enough for me anymore. You never deserved my friendship and certainly never deserved my heart. You never really deserved a second out of my day, a shred of caring out of my soul, and never once did you earn the right to a single moment of thought in my head.
You failed me, just like I knew you would, but held hope that you would actually be different this time.