Aug 18, 2008 23:12
I'm now in chapter 9 of New Moon, and it's gotten better. I think I'll not be disappointed at buying Eclipse in hard-back after all.
Five more 100 things about me:
11) I can tell the difference between a penguin and a macaw by smell.
12) My first experience flying (while not in the co-pilot seat) was a 4 leg journey to the big island of Hawaii.
13) I play a keyboard - not well or as often as I'd like - but I enjoy it and the neighbors haven't complained yet.
14) I have seven pieces of my own artwork on my living room walls.
15) I am absurdly obsessed with sparkly things. Not the expensive sort, but the sort where I send thank-you cards to professors and campus staff with glitter in them - and am completely un-shamed when my nearly 70-year-old adviser tells me he still had sparkles on him when he arrived home in Michigan for Christmas after driving three days from Missoula.
100 things about jessica