planes, trains, sketchy middle-of-the-night cabs

Mar 19, 2007 14:33

rain, crowded buses, train delays and unusually heavy airport traffic all conspired to make us the very last people to arrive for our flight to Tallinn. the fact that we made it at all I attribute to a combination of fancy running/dodging skills, and the person on the tram to our terminal who saw me bolting towards the closing doors just a few seconds too late- and took pity on me. thank you, stranger, for holding the doors.

now we are in Estonia and it is grey, rainy, and cold. I am feeling guilty because it is my first time in this country and I know I should be sightseeing, but it is just too crappy out. rainy days always sap my motivation. if I close my eyes I can almost pretend I am back in Concord curled up in my bedroom with kitten, or tucked safely away in the attic at the abbott`s. but no, I am in this chilly internet cafe.

again I am here and not writing about morocco. this is not because I experienced nothing there of note; rather, there is too much to write about and it is weeks overdue already. so until inspiration strikes me, read natalie`s account of our travels, if you haven`t already:

and once you have read that I will feel free to write about London and all the fantastic adventures we had there.
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