Trapped Part 3

Mar 09, 2010 04:20

I'm baaaaaack! Visiting Scott for the week in the Tdot but I managed to get this all out an done :D I have a story to rant about later but right now its 4am Im tired been a loooong ass day

Title: Trapped -Part 3
Author: jensucks
Fandom: Supernatural
Subject/Paring: Jo, Jo/Dean
Rating: FRT for possible language and adult situations (you know how my fics get)
Disclaimer: Not affiliated, don't own, blah blah blah. Just me getting me emo-ness muses out in the open :)
Spoilers: None :D
Summary: Jo's situation begins to get the best of her.

She sat up quickly, eyes darting around the room ready to put up a fight only to find an empty blank room surrounding her. She exhaled the breath she had been holding in since she had awoken and glanced toward the small window, her heart sinking as the thought of spending another day in her cold stone prison enveloped her. She sighed and lay back down on the cold floor, squeezing her eyes shut hoping that when she opened them her prison would be gone, replaced with her warm soft room back home.

“You’re awake.” A soft voice sounded from behind her, causing her to jump, and her heart to pound in her chest. She shot up quickly and spun her body to the sound, which caused her head to also spin and her to fall over.

“Holy shit are you all right?” the now clearly male voice asked. She felt him scoot in close beside her, pulling her half into his lap.

She looked up and there he was. Her heart thundered loudly in her chest, how did he find her? How did he get in here? Tears filled her eyes as thoughts of him taking her out of this place filled her head. He had come for her, just when she had begun to think she would be here forever, Dean Winchester had come to save her.

“Jo are you hurt?” he said, as concern filled his handsome face

She brought a hand up to the side of his face as a small smile played on her face. “I’m all right.” She answered softly then leaned up to kiss him softly, a kiss he gratefully returned. However, when she pulled away to ask him how he got past her tormentor and his goons, Dean’s handsome face was gone.

Instead of Dean’s sharp green eyes, soft blue ones started back at her. Where Dean’s chiseled jaw line had been, now held a slightly rounder and less full one. Dean’s styled brown hair replaced with matted blond locks. She just sat there, in his arms and stared without blinking as she attempted to figure out what the hell was going on.

“Jo?” he asked again, the concern only worsened in his eyes and facial features.

At the sound of his voice again, it all came rushing back to her. Her heart rate slowed and she let out a breath and blinked. “Charlie.” She replied, testing the name, knowing that was who it had been all along. I’m....I’m fine I just...” she shook her head and rose from her position in his lap, sighing as she ran a hand through her own matted and tangled mess of hair. “I’m sorry.” She mumbled, staring at the floor.

Charlie was a captive, just like she was. He had only been there a few weeks -or a few of her estimated weeks based on her count of times she had seen sunlight- replacing an older woman who had been there when Jo arrived. They tried to talk when they could, keep each other grounded, keep themselves from giving into the insanity that had taken over the others who had been in here before them. This hadn’t been the first time she had awoken post torture session and mistook him for Dean, and it probably wouldn’t be the last.

“Yeah I’m...I’m fine..” Jo mumbled and moved away, embarrassed and a little let down. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself Dean wasn’t coming to get her, that bastards lies went so deep into her brain it was proving difficult to untangle them. She wasn’t even sure if she knew what was a real memory in her head and what had been fabricated by this monster. Was her name really Joanna Beth Harvelle? Daughter of William and Ellen, demon hunter extrordinaire? Or was she Betty Louise something of east cupcake Illinois made to think she was this Jo Harvelle person? These were thoughts Jo had been plagued with a lot recently, she wasn’t sure how to shut them off, or how to determine what was real and what wasn’t. For all she knew, the tender moments with Dean in the back of her car were the reality and this whole captive to an insane monster parts were just a weird bi-product of a monster filled life. She moved further away from Charlie, closed her eyes and sighed at the thought. All she had to do was fall asleep in this dream world and she would wake up in his arms.

“I love you....”His voice echoed in her ears, his face began to form in her mind, rugged handsome features, his cocky yet adorable little lopsided grin.

“I know it’s not something I would normally say and it’s not something I am ready to shout across the rooftops...” he paused, then added “The having feelings part not the caring about you parts....anyway I just, I thought you should know that. This may have started out as some weird hormonal thing but...I don’t know I’m...kinda new at this.” He gives her another of his crooked handsome smiles and pulls her closer to his chest.

She pulled away from him, and grinned a grin of her own. “You want a pair of panties with that speech?” she asked him, giving him a light punch on the shoulder.

He stared up at her with confused eyes which only made her smile widen and grow more mischievous which he caught on to almost immediately. He grabbed her, tightly but not enough to hurt and pulled her back close to him, rolling her so she was under him and leaned in to kiss her. However, she pulled away and faked a struggled to get away from him, sparking a brief struggle between them which resulted in the both of them tumbling off of the cars seat and landing on the floor with her once again on top.

She smiled victoriously as he groaned painfully beneath her, bend almost in half the wrong way over the bump in the floor. She continued to grin as she bent down to kiss him passionately. “I love you too.” she replied breathlessly

He looked up at her and smiled for a minute before his face contorted to a look of worry. “Jo?” he asks

She frowned and gave him a confused look of her own, not sure what she had missed that he hadn’t.

“Jo are you all right?”

She blinked and was about to ask him why she wouldn’t be all right but when she opened her eyes, Dean’s face had once again vanished and been replaced with that of her cellmate Charlie.

“You really zoned out that time.” he commented, worry all over his face “Are you all right?”
She inhaled sharply and nodded. “Yeah I just...lost control there for a minute I’m...fine I just need to...” she didn’t finish, couldn’t really finish when she wasn’t sure what sure should be saying.

He nodded, knowing exactly how she was feeling without her needing to be verbal about it, and reached out to place a hand on her shoulder. She jerked a little at his touch, and trembled slightly. He pulled away and swallowed, about to speak when the door burst open and two goons came in.

They headed for the two captives, shoving Charlie out of the way so they could grab Jo and drag her out of the room. She struggled, as she always did and the last thing she heard was the heavy metal door slam before her world once again went black, Dean’s voice echoing in her mind.

“I love you.”

supernatural, fic, dean, jo/dean, trapped, jo

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