Trapped Part 4

Mar 29, 2010 19:42

Yay I'm back with another chapter!! One good thing about my life going to crap is that it really brings out the angst writer in me lol

Title: Trapped -Part 4
Author: jensucks
Fandom: Supernatural
Subject/Paring: Dean, Jo/Dean, Ellen
Rating: FRT for possible language and adult situations (you know how my fics get)
Disclaimer: Not affiliated, don't own, blah blah blah. Just me getting me emo-ness muses out in the open :)
Spoilers: None :D
Summary: Dean and Sam realize just how far Ellen has gone to find Jo, causing them to have a moral dilemma of their own.

She was so soft, so warm and comfortable in his arms. Her light breathing and softly beating heart the only noise in the room as he held onto her, his face buried in a mess of slightly matted and dirty blond hair, although that wasn't on his mind at all as her arms reached around his waist and held onto him tightly.

"I knew you would come..." she spoke her voice soft, low and slightly muffled by his chest

"Am I that predictable?" he asked

She pulled away from him, her dirt and died blood covered face breaking into a grin. That intoxicating, always pulled him in, made his heart melt and yet he had never told her that and at that moment, never understood why that was.

"Maybe a little." She replied, her smile faded slightly "But if it wasn't for that I..."

He shook his head, bringing a hand to her lips to stop her from finishing her sentence. "No." He said "Don't even go there Jo all right? I'm here, the demon is dead and you're safe, that's all that matters."

She smiled again and moved in a little closer to him which until that moment he had thought was next to impossible. "Guess that means I owe you one...." She said in a mischievous tone but before he could respond, she leaned up and kissed him, a kiss he gratefully returned and that lasted for quite a while.

Once they finally parted, he smiled his own intoxicating smile at her. "Maybe I should save you more often." He replied

It was her turn to shake her head not saying another word; she just leant up and kissed him once more.

"Jo..." he breathed

"Dean..." She replied, only her voice sounded different, deeper almost like....

"DEAN!" Sam yelled

Dean's eyes shot open to see....nothing. No Jo, no warm embrace just a blank wooden plank wall, and after turning his head, a very concerned looking Sam tied to a chair rather securely beside him.

"What the hell happened?" Dean demanded of his brother "Last thing I remember we were driving and there was a girl....then Ellen came out and...." He stopped, as he realized just what had gone on.

"She hit you first." Sam replied "Before either of us could react, got me when I was checking to make sure she hadn't killed you."

Dean tried to move within his restraints and found it no use. "Son of a bitch." He cursed "This is the thanks we get for trying to help her find Jo?" He looked down at his bindings and made a mental note about the tightness, and never to piss off Ellen for real. He looked back over at Sam "Any ideas?" he asked.

Sam shook his head. "She's not dumb Dean, she tied us up tight, keeps us away from each other and anything we could use to loosen or cut the ropes." He paused, took a breath, and then continued "She even took our pocket knives."

"Great so what you're saying is that we're stuck." Dean clarified "Ellen has gone insane and we are her prisoners...great." He sighed and muttered under his breath "At this rate, we're never going to find Jo."

A silence passed between the two brothers, and Dean closed his eyes, Jo's sweet face once again springing up in his mind. What the hell was that dream about? Why couldn't he get her out of his head? Why did it matter so much that he find her, save her? As he had pointed out earlier in his mind, she wasn't his blood, they had only met a few times, worked together twice and yet it had become priority one for him to find her and bring her back safe. And on top of that, now he was having dreams about rescuing her, holding her, kissing her....

"I knew you would come...guess that means I owe you one...."

Her voice echoed in his head, which caused him to shake it once more, trying to shoo them away. Did he have feelings for Jo? Is that what this all meant? He had always been attracted to her, come on he wasn't a complete idiot, Jo was attractive -very much so- and he had possibly on occasion thought about what it would be like to hit that, the thought of what Ellen would do to him if he did being the only thing stopping him from actually following through with it. Didn't stop him from thinking about it though, from the odd flirty comment here and there when Ellen wasn't around he wasn't dead after all and it wasn't like she didn't do it right back to him. He played it off around both Sam and Ellen, pretended she was nothing more to him than an annoying little sister type, but something was telling him now that he was very wrong about that now.

Or was this just his imagination getting the best of him? High stress job, being held captive and a friend missing...yeah that's all it was, manifestations in his head telling him that once this was all over, he needed some R&R, small bar, hot waitress with nice boobs and a pitcher of good beer....that was heaven.

"Good, you boys'r awake." Ellen's voice sounded out, pulling him out of his own head. He opened his eyes to see her standing in a doorway a few feet away. "Was startin' to think I hitcha a bit too hard."

She moved closer to them, and Dean watched as she wiped blood from her hand with a dirty rag.

"What's the deal here Ellen?" he asked "Please let it end with you being possessed..."

Ellen shook her head. "Not possessed, least not by any demon." She replied "Possessed by something greater maybe, with the need to find my daughter and bring her back alive."

"We want the same thing." Sam said, jumping into the conversation "Bobby told us what happened, we came to help you."

She nodded in reply, then added "I figured as much. Bobby never did know how to keep his big yap shut when it came to private matters."

"You can't do this alone Ellen...." Sam replied "You shouldn't have to."

"So why not cut us loose huh?" Dean asked, jumping back into the conversation "We can compare notes and get back out there, bring Jo home."

"Sounds good." Ellen replied "But you're gonna haveta hold off a little while."

"Why?" Dean asked "What are you getting out of this? If you're pissed we came to help why not punish us after we get Jo back?"

Ellen sighed. "I'm not mad you came to help Dean, fact as much as I hate to admit it, I really could use you boy's help in this." She looked down at her hands, and the bloody cloth, then back up at the boys, then continued. "But right now I have the only person who knows where Jo is in the other room and I am gonna do everything I can to get her to share that information with me. Can't have you boy's stepping in and stopping me now can I?"

"But she's a human, an innocent." Sam said "What could she possibly know?"

"She knows plenty." Ellen snapped back "And human she may be, but she's nowhere near innocent. Been helping that monster for god knows how long, knows what he's doing there, to those poor my Jo."

"Him?" Dean asks "You know what it is that has Jo?"

Ellen nods "I have my suspicions, and this woman is the only one who can confirm it. Best you boys stay out of the way, keep your own conscience's clear." She turned and headed out; stooping as she reached the door "I'll be back in a little while with food and the like for you both." She added, and then left the room.

"No Ellen wait!" Sam called after her, to no avail.

"Let it go Sammy." Dean replied, leaning back against his chair and closing his eyes. "No use even trying to reason with her, doubt anything we say or do will change her mind."

"There's got to be something." Sam argued "We can't just sit here while she does god knows what to that woman out there."

Dean opened his eyes and turned to his brother with a steely gaze. "Common Sammy think about it, Ellen on a normal ay is next to impossible to reason with once she's made up her mind do you really think we could reason with a half crazed, worried sick about her daughter Ellen?" He shook his head "Don't think so little brother."

Sam didn't reply, making Dean reason that his brother had realized he was right. Best they could do right now was sit there patiently until Ellen got what she wanted, or the girl died and just hope that it would be done soon. Dean once again leaned his head back and shut his eyes, trying not to imagine what Ellen may be doing to that poor girl in the other room.

As always people, comment comment comment!! It's the only thing that keeps me writing like a mad woman!

supernatural, dean, fan-fiction, trapped, jo

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