Trapped Part 2

Feb 24, 2010 22:53

Haha this story is just burning away at me already back with part 2! Even thinkin' about a part 3 already :D

Title: Trapped -Part 2
Author: jensucks
Fandom: Supernatural
Subject/Paring: Dean, Jo/Dean
Rating: FRT for possible language and adult situations (you know how my fics get)
Disclaimer: Not affiliated, don't own, blah blah blah. Just me getting me emo-ness muses out in the open :)
Spoilers: None :D
Summary: Dean is told of Jo's disappearance and begins his journey to help find her.

“How long has she been gone?” Dean Winchester’s voice boomed through the phone a hint of anger boiling up inside.

“Almost a month.” Came a quiet, level, almost shamed answer from fellow hunter Bobby singer on the other end of the phone.

“And why are we just hearing about this now?” he demands “We coulda been out there looking for her instead of sitting around here with our fingers up our asses!” The anger was out in full force now; Dean could not believe that Bobby had kept this from them. Jo Harvelle, was missing, and despite some tough spots and bad blood, her and her mother were like family to both him and Sam, just like he thought Bobby was too except now he was having his doubts.

“You know how Ellen is, she didn’t want you guys involved, said she could do it herself.” Came the reply, in the same even calm tone. How he could be calm at this moment, Dean did not know.

“And what’s changed now?” Dean demands “It took her a month realize how stupid it is to charge off by yourself with no leads?”

“She’s not askin’ right now boy.” Bobby answered “I am, and you’d better just watch your tongue and show some respect. This is her daughter we are talkin’ about, the only blood she’s got left you can’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same thing if this were Sam.”

He had Dean there, as the eldest Winchester glanced over at his brother he knew he would move heaven and earth to find him if anything ever happened to him and he would probably be too damn stubborn to accept any help. “All right whatever.” Dean says, coming out of his own head to get back on point. “What can you tell us? What do we know?”

Bobby didn’t know much, only that she was last seen in Wisconsin. She had kept everything a secret even from her mother, no one knew what her lead was, or even remotely what kind of monster she was after. Apparently Ellen had to practically beat the Wisconsin lead out of a few townies so whatever the job, Dean knew it had to have been something important to Jo, why else would she be so secretive?
Not long later the boys were on the road, Dean’s foot on the accelerator pushing his baby girl as fast as she could possibly go.

“So what’s the plan?” Sam asks from the passenger seat beside Dean, breaking the silence he had been keeping since the phone call from Bobby.

Dean inhaled sharply “We head into town.” He replies “Question the locals, try to get us some leads.”

“Don’t you think Ellen has already been there done that?” Sam replies
Dean glances over at his brother with an icy glare. “So we do it again.” He replies “Maybe we can dig up something she missed.”

“Or we could try to find Ellen, see if she’s found out anything useful save us some time and wasted effort.” Sam suggests

“Yeah fine let’s do that then.” Dean replies flatly, staring ahead at the road becoming lost in his own thoughts once again. He didn’t know why he was obsessing so much over this, it’s not like Jo was Sam, someone he was related to by blood or Bobby who he grew up with almost his entire life. If anything Jo was that annoying little cousin type who would randomly pop up and cause problems. The only thing that really tied him to her was the whole Hunter’s unite! Thing which even on its good days was shaky….why did this matter so much? Why did he have this deep seeded need to find her, to bring her home safely?

“Dean look out!” Sam’s sudden panicked voice drew Dean out of his own thoughts in time to slam on the brakes, barely bumping into a young blond girl who had run out into the road in front of the impala.

“JO!” Dean yells, throwing off his seatbelt and leaving the car engine running as he hops out of the car and rushes to the girl who was now lying face down on the pavement in the middle of the road. He kneels down beside her, turning her so she would be facing him and lets out a deep breath as the girl’s features came into view, it wasn’t her. Dean’s heart rate began to slow to normal once again as the disappointment began to set it. ‘Of course it couldn’t be that easy.’ He scolded himself

Sam kneels down beside him. “Is she all right?” he asks, examining the girl quickly, noticing several bruises and gashes in her skin. “Wow, whatever did this meant business.” He holds up an arm for Dean to examine closer.

Dean pretends to be interested, to hide the disappointment in his eyes and his heart, frowning again at the sight of the girl’s wounds. “Whatever did this, they were trying to keep this girl around a while.” Dean noted.

Sam nodded in agreeance “These are definitely torture wounds, no doubt about that but why would a demon or monster want to torture someone?”

Dean was about to answer -with what he wasn’t too sure- when they heard crashing from the bushes nearby. Both the Winchester’s heads swiveled, hands reaching for the weapons concealed in jackets and pockets ready to strike anything that way come at them. The crashing noise gets closer and soon a figure emerges from the bushes however, it is not what the boys expected. The boys arms both drop at the sight of the figure, Dean takes another sharp inhale before rising to his feet.

“Ellen.” He says, trying not to let the pain and worry creep into his voice.
Ellen Harvelle, Jo’s hard, strict and overprotective mother stood before them a shotgun drawn in her hands. “Dean.” She answers simply, and then glances down at Sam “Sam.” She looks back up to Dean, narrowing her eyes. “Just what do you boys think you are doing with my hostage?”

As always people, comments are my crack so PLEASE plague me with em!!

supernatural, dean, jo/dean, fan-fiction, trapped

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