New Fic!

Feb 23, 2010 12:56

Ok so, been a while again heh really keep meaning to get back into LJ again writing in general really.... anyway lol lately my obsession for the show Supernatural has been elevated not to sure how I blame new RP I'm in and my friend Erin who is totally obsessed (But in a good way)

It's been causing some weird ass dreams lately and coupled with some emo moods I've been feeling lately my writing muses have been poking at me to do this story for a while and today thanks to boredom and photoshop being mean, herrrre it is lol. It's going to be a series, not sure how long yet it's kinda a play by ear at the moment heh. Hopefully I haven't gone rusty in the fic department being away for so long.

Title: Trapped -Part 1
Author: jensucks
Fandom: Supernatural
Subject/Paring: Jo, Jo/Dean
Rating: FRT for possible language and adult situations (you know how my fics get)
Disclaimer: Not affiliated, don't own, blah blah blah. Just me getting me emo-ness muses out in the open :)
Spoilers: None :D
Summary: Jo reflects on recent happy events in her life, but all is not what it seems...

Every time the doors to the roadhouse would open, Jo Harvelle’s heart would skip a beat, and her head would turn no matter where she happened to be standing. She wasn’t sure if her mother had noticed this trend, especially the large growth it had in the last few months, but at this point she was beyond the point of caring. All that mattered to her was the who that entered, or more specifically the man. She wasn’t even sure when it had started or what had set it off, all she did know was it started the same every time.

The old creaky wooden doors of the bar would open and he would walk in, fresh off a hunt, or stopping by for information the reason was the only thing that ever changed. He would walk in, smile at her, give her a small nod and say “Jo.” Just the sound of her name on his lips would give him chills but she played it cool, smiled back and answered with his own name “Dean.” Lingering on his face for a few moments, his name rolling off her lips and lingering there like it was where they belonged before adding his brother and hunting companion, to seem less suspicious. “Sam.”
Sam would smile and nod back politely and then wonder off in search of her mother or Ash but Dean would always walk over to the bar and order a drink, pretend to make small talk with the other hunters who would come to the bar to rest between hunts or drink away their problems, practically ignoring her without actually doing so -his own little misdirection-

This would go on for a few hours before they would close up, the hunters would leave and having what they needed, so would Sam and Dean with another of his breathtaking smiles and another nod in her direction, along with a small slip of paper being slid under a bar napkin. She would wait until they were long gone, and when her mother was not looking to collect the paper and slip it into her jeans. Then once her mother had fallen asleep, Jo would slip out of the roadhouse and into the night, glancing at the paper for the directions to the hotel Sam and Dean were staying in nearby and she would be off.

He was always waiting out front when she pulled up, leaning against a small fence outside his room and glancing into the dark for any sign of her arrival. Once she pulled up as quietly as she could as not to disturb the sleeping Sam, he would bound for the car, slipping in beside her as she killed the engine and without a word he would lean over and kiss her, a kiss so sweet and so passionate that her entire body would tingle just in anticipation. They would spend almost the entire night there, at first it was just talking, holding one another and more of those sweet tingly kisses, but eventually it led to more. Jo had never felt more at peace, more safe and secure than she did lying in that back seat, his arms and a dirty old blanket wrapped around her.
The part at the end, where he would whisper softly in her ear that she should get back before her mother noticed she was gone would kill her a little inside every time but as they would quickly redress and meet outside the car for one last sweet tingly goodbye kiss, she would know it would not be the last time she would see him. He promised her he would be back to see her again soon, that the hunt he and Sam were heading out to in the morning would be a quick easy job and then he would be back for her. As she pulled away, she would glance into the rear view mirror to see him standing there, sadness in his eyes as he watched her go.

There was a blinding flash, and for a minute Jo would worry about crashing the car but it always ended the same too. The car would fade away and she would open her eyes and find herself in a dirty, rundown room with no windows or anything on the walls, she would hear an evil maniacal laugh, and the face of her tormentor would come to view. He would grin that sickening grin down at her and order her to be returned with the others. Unable to move or speak, Jo would be lifted from the table and dragged down a dark hallway, tears spilling down her cheeks now as she was thrown into a small black room with only a tiny barred window for the moonlight to peek though. She would land on the cold stone floor and sob, wondering how she had come to this, how she had gotten herself stuck in this place -her own private hell- reliving the greatest moment she could ever imagine over and over while that…thing fed off it.

She would stare blankly at that tiny little window, at the stars shining in the black and blue sky and wonder where he was and if he ever thought of her in his travels. She used to wonder if he was looking for her, used to think about him charging in and rescuing her from all of this, but quickly learned the impossibility of that scenario. There was no finding, no rescuing not from this place she was stuck. Remote area no main roads or any indication this building even existed. She hadn’t told anyone, not even her mother, where she had been going.

This was where her story would end, no one could change that not even Dean Winchester.

As always, comments are my crack and warrant cookies and much love forever.

supernatural, jo/dean, fan-fiction, jo

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