Title: Lies (They Were All Lies)
Length: Chaptered
allwerelies and
jennykim319 Rating: PG-13
Pairings: YunJae (main), Heechul/Jaejoong, Yoosu, Seul Gi/Yunho (one-sided)
Genre: Romance, angst, drama
Summary: Jaejoong, the new student with a secret of having an abusive stepfather. Yunho, the rich man who constantly hides under a mask. Yunho's childhood best friend, Heechul, begins to have feelings for Jaejoong, but it seems that Yunho has romantic feelings for Jaejoong as well. Seul Gi, an admirer of Yunho, begins to notice Yunho's attraction to Jaejoong and is out to destroy their relatioshop...what will ensue for Yunho and Jaejoong when so many barriers stand in the way of their love?
Chapter 1||
Chapter 2||
Chapter 3||
Chapter 4||
Chapter 5||
Chapter 6||
Chapter 7||
Chapter 8|
Chapter 9: Carefree Laughter
Yunho and Heechul stole another glance backwards as they turned around the corner and noticed Yoochun holding Junsu’s hand as they walked into the watch store.
Both smiled at the sight of their best friend walking hand-in-hand with the person he wanted to be with.
“Don’t they look cute and adorable together?” asked Heechul as he jutted his lips out.
“Yeah, totally cute and adorable.” Yunho agreed, sounding like he was cooing a baby.
Yes, you read it right; two full-grown men had just used the words cute and adorable in the same sentence and agreed. Amazing, right?
“Hmm, I wonder what Jae’s doing?” unexpectedly came from Yunho’s mouth. 'Wait, why am I thinking about Jae?' thought himself but before he could come up with an answer…
“Well, I heard that Yoochun had invited him to come shopping with us today but Jae had told him that he was busy.” commented Heechul out loud. Then to himself, “I wonder what Jae had to do?”
“Oh well, we’ll chill with him some other day then.” answered Yunho.
“Yeah. For today, it’s just going to be me and you.” replied Heechul happily.
“Just like old times.” They said simultaneously.
They looked at each other and laughed care freely; a type of emotion that Yunho rarely shared with anyone.
Heechul smiled even brighter as he heard Yunho laugh like he used to. This sound had become unfamiliar over the past few years.
'It’s been awhile since Yunho has shown how he really is,' thought Heechul. 'I wonder why he’s been so happy these past few weeks.'
A comfortable silence settled among them. Once they calmed down and could breath again, Yunho glanced at Heechul and knew what Heechul had in mind. They set out to continue their Saturday of shopping. They strolled down the street, joking and laughing, just like they always did.
Before they knew it, the sun was setting and the streetlights had come on.
“Dude, what time is it?” came Heechul’s voice muffled by the shirt he was pulling over his head in the fitting room.
A rustle could be heard as Yunho maneuvered himself to glance at his watch. He quickly replied from the fitting room next door, “It’s six already.”
“No wonder I’m starving. My stomach is practically talking to me.” complained Heechul dramatically.
“You’re always hungry.”
“Hey, that’s not true,” shouted Heechul. But after some thinking, he admitted, “Alright…maybe sometimes I am.”
Yunho chuckled to himself, “This guy never changes.”
"Hey Yunho, remember..."
Before Heechul could use an embarrassing moment against him, Yunho said “Lets go grab dinner at the restaurant near where we parked. Hmm, what was it called again?”
“You mean Sorriso Trattoria?” answered Heechul.
“That’s the one. You’re memory’s still as good as ever I see.” laughed Yunho as he recalled some past memories.
“How’d you know I wanted to go there?” questioned Heechul.
“You were looking at that restaurant before we even got out of the car.” was Yunho’s smart reply.
“Haha, we’ve been together for way too long!” laughed Heechul as they both emerged from their respective fitting rooms.
They proceeded to pay for their clothes and started walking towards the restaurant.
Chapter 10)