Title: Lies (They Were All Lies)
Length: Chaptered
allwerelies and
jennykim319 Rating: PG-13
Pairings: YunJae (main), Heechul/Jaejoong, Yoosu, Seul Gi/Yunho (one-sided)
Genre: Romance, angst, drama
Summary: Jaejoong, the new student with a secret of having an abusive stepfather. Yunho, the rich man who constantly hides under a mask. Yunho's childhood best friend, Heechul, begins to have feelings for Jaejoong, but it seems that Yunho has romantic feelings for Jaejoong as well. Seul Gi, an admirer of Yunho, begins to notice Yunho's attraction to Jaejoong and is out to destroy their relatioshop...what will ensue for Yunho and Jaejoong when so many barriers stand in the way of their love?
Chapter 1||
Chapter 2||
Chapter 3||
Chapter 4||
Chapter 5||
Chapter 6|
Chapter 7: Glistening In The Sun
Eyes turned to stare at three young men walking through the shopping district. Their clothes were simple and casual yet one could tell they were designer clothes by the way they perfectly accented every line and curve of their bodies.
They were oblivious to the eyes on them. They were absorbed in their own little world.
“Hey, lets go check out that store over there,” said Yoochun. “I need to buy a new watch.”
“Didn’t you just buy one last time we were with you?” replied Yunho.
“We were here last week.” added Heechul.
“Oh, that watch…um…it was too small.” stuttered Yoochun.
“Yah, we told you that but you still bought it!”
“So what? I want another watch so you guys are going into that store with me.”
That was the final decision.
They were walking towards the store when someone caught their eye.
“Isn’t that Junsu?” muttered Heechul.
Upon hearing those words, Yoochun’s eyes scanned left and right until they landed upon Junsu.
“Junsu, over here!” shouted Heechul and Yunho.
As he walked over, something glistened as the sun shined on Junsu’s wrist.
“Oh, so that’s where the watch went.” they said out loud and gave a knowing look towards Yoochun.
Heechul and Yunho both slung their arms around Yoochun’s shoulder as they whispered, “It’s cool man. You have our support.”
“Thanks guys,” answered Yoochun quietly for those few words coming from his best friends meant more than they knew.
“You know, I might be on the same boat as you,” murmured Heechul absentmindedly, which caused Yoochun and Yunho’s eyes to widen in surprise but before they could say anything, Junsu had arrived with a wide grin plastered onto his face.
“Hey there!” greeted an extra happy Junsu.
“Junsu. What are you doing here?” came an over-excited Yoochun.
“The same thing you’re doing.” giggled Junsu.
“Oh yeah.” replied Yoochun with a foolish grin on his face. His grin grew wider as he noticed Junsu wearing the Cartier watch he had gotten him last week.
Sensing the atmosphere, Yunho nudged Heechul. As their eyes met, there was a mutual understanding and they turned to walk away.
“We’ll see you guys on Monday,” they shouted as they turned their heads back to smile at the cute couple.
Chapter 8)