To all Public Broadcasting viewers, members and friends:
Please pardon the intrusion, but the future of Public Television and Radio is at stake. If you love the unique programming brought to you through Public Television and Radio, I urge you to read this email fully. The Federal Government is proposing and will soon be voting on cutting back funding to ALL Public Broadcasting. If you value quality educational programming, independent productions, being able to gain a balanced perspective on global issues, viewing programs that are not influenced by any special interest groups and more - Then I strongly urge you to take action and call your local Senators and Representatives opposing the federal budget cuts to Public Broadcasting. The Federal budget cuts would cripple the ability of Public Television and Radio Stations to bring you the programs you love so much. If you feel as strongly as we do, please forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues and urge them to call their Senators and Representatives as well.
Time is of the essence. Please act now.
1.Take Action!
Every American who supports public television must join together to fight back. The political strength of local public television and radio stations, PBS and NPR lies in the support we receive from communities across the nation. In this time of danger, we need our supporters mobilized.
Call your Members of Congress to express your support for Public Broadcasting - and find out where they stand on the proposed budget.
Congress will respect your personal call much more than anything else we can do. Public broadcasting needs you to join the fight - our future depends upon it.
Supporters of public broadcasting are extremely disappointed that House appropriators have proposed more than $220 million in crippling funding cuts for public broadcasting in the new fiscal year. Proposed funding cuts as severe as these - representing 45% of federal financial support - are nothing less than a direct attack on the future of public television and radio. Because of the urgent nature of this matter, we urge you to contact your Member of Congress directly to convey your extreme disappointment.
Make Your Feelings Clear on the Proposed 45% Funding Cuts:
· Support action to restore level funding for public broadcasting.
· Oppose the $100 million rescission of funds to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
· Oppose the elimination of the highly successful Ready To Learn Program.
· Oppose the elimination of the highly successful PTFP program.
· Oppose the elimination of funding for the digital conversion program - a federal mandate.
· Oppose the elimination of funding for the satellite interconnection program for programming distribution to local stations.
These Funding Cuts Will Severely Impact Public Television and Radio Stations
· These funding cuts are so drastic that they will severely impact every public television and radio station’s ability to provide educational, cultural and informational programming in local communities and throughout the nation.
· The recommended 25% cut in Community Service Grants funding would result in [station] receiving $______ less than last year, plus the loss of $______ in Ready To Learn funds for our educational outreach programs for disadvantaged children.
· Total cuts of $_______ almost certainly would cause [station] to cancel its Ready To Learn programs and slash local programming production.
Please ask your Member of Congress to commit to supporting any amendments or other legislative remedies to provide level funding for all public broadcasting programs.
Suggested script for phone calls to Senators and Representatives:
Hello, my name is ______________ and I am from _______________. I am calling to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the proposed budget cuts to Public Broadcasting. I would like to strongly urge you to reconsider this proposition and vote against cutting funds for Public Broadcasting. These budget cuts if approved could mean the end of Public Broadcasting within a few years. How do you plan on voting with regards to this issue?
(Please feel free to add any personal stories or experiences you have had with Public Television and Radio and how it benefits Americans to have public broadcasting available to each and every citizen)
Thank you for your time.
2. Direct Attack on Federal Funding for Public Broadcasting
House appropriators have proposed more than $220 million in crippling funding cuts for public broadcasting in the new fiscal year. Proposed funding cuts as severe as these - representing 45% of federal financial support - are nothing less than a direct attack on the future of public television and radio. The proposed cuts constitute at least malicious wounding, if not the outright attempted murder of public broadcasting in America.
3. The Proposed Cuts
Proposed Rescission of FY 2006 CSG Funds: The most draconian cut proposed by House appropriators is the rescission of $100 million - or 25% - of the appropriation already made in 2004 to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for FY 2006.
Proposed Elimination of the Ready To Learn Program: In perhaps its most punitive move, House appropriators proposed eliminating all funding for Ready To Learn, a successful educational program that serves tens of millions of American kids. Ready To Learn consistently receives strong bipartisan support - even the budget submitted by the Bush Administration recommended funding it at $23 million.
Even Deeper Funding Cuts Proposed: House appropriators continued their attack by proposing no new funding for digital infrastructure and interconnection programs, which combined received $79 million last year.
PTFP Under Attack: House appropriators proposed eliminating the Public Telecommunications Facilities Program (PTFP) - a cut of another $21 million. PTFP, which has supported public broadcasting for 40 years, plays an indispensable role in providing matching money for infrastructure, which in turn delivers innovative new programs and services.
4. Contact Information for Senators and Representatives in PA, DE and NJ (see following post for info)
5. News Article Links on the Federal Budget Cuts to Public Broadcasting,1,3139914.column?coll=chi-news-col
Thank you for your love and support of Public Broadcasting.