If you love public broadcasting read this!

Jun 13, 2005 16:31

I just had a massive  yet intriguing urgent project dropped on me at work today. This may be of interest to many of you politically active types or fans of Public Television and Radio (NPR).

In a week and a half the Senate and House are voting on cutting the funding to Public Broadcasting drastically...like to the point where if the budget cuts passes 30 - 35% of all national public tv & radio stations would probably close within a year and probably within two to three years public radio and television would be a thing of the past.

So, I am spearheading the stations campaign to get as many people to call their Senators and Representatives within the next week so that these funding cut backs do not pass. In 1995 smaller cutbacks were proposed and the public outcry preventing them from fully losing funding. This isn't local this is nationwide. I, like many people, were PBS children raised on Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers and I can't imagine suck intergral staples in American life disappearing forever due to budget cutbacks to fund things like the war in Iraq and the massive budget deficet accured by this administration.

I will have more formal information from the powers that be soon.
Here is a link to information posted on the Association of Public Television Stations website http://www.apts.org/ Here is a link to a recent article http://news.yahoo.com/s/washpost/public_broadcasting_targeted_by_house

old jobs, tv

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