About this morning...
My brain hurts and I hate Septa. Because I happened to mention last night that Septa has been surprisingly on time as of late I managed to jinx the whole operation which left me waiting over an hour for the bus this morning. Septa is late if anything in the Greater Philadelphia area is remotely antinormal - today I can only guess the lateness had something to do with the Eagles rallies at City hall. And since it is already 11am I decide to pop into Villa Pizza in Suburban Station (which has the best sausage pizza IMO) completely forgetting that my office was doing an Eagles team spirit day thing and ordered pizza for the entire office. Doh!
About last night....
Tim decided to actually accompany me to the Stendhal/Trace Fury show at the Balcony last night. It was fun
helcat and
trishylicious showed up as well. Actually, the turn out was decent for a random Thursday night.
The first band whose name escapes me should have been fined for overusage of a dry ice machine in a small venue. I commend all bands who DO NOT use dry ice or smoke machines. No matter how cool you think they are - they are really effing annoying. As for the music itself I am conflicted. It wasn't bad but I think the singer was a bit dependent on the satan-regurgitating-wendy-o'williams vocal effects. Their overall sound wasn't bad. It was more to the point the type of music I would listen to at home in a dark room in a bizarre mood playing murderer in the dark or something like that. The songs themselves kind of lacked purpose or direction. They sounded good, but didn't really go anywhere.
Trace Fury really pulled off a great show eventhough they were missing their saxophonist. They really do an excellent job at melding so many different musical styles all into one melodic blend.
Lest us not forget that Kevin from Stendhal is sexy ;)
Stendhal while overcoming the usual technical difficulties one faces in philadelphia, managed to pull off a decent show despite their apologies for sucking, which they didn't. I took a bunch of pictures with my old manual camera since I haven't used it in a long time and since I have a photo class this semester, I really need to get back into practice again (for more on photography see About Sunday)I'm not sure how well they will turn out seeing as I left the flash at home. Listening to Stendhal really made me miss my car because its where I listen to them the most. Plus, its damned good driving music.
About tomorrow night...
Not sure what tonight will bring, but tomorrow night Eagles Football at our house - come by and help us drink the left over alcohol from the New Years Eve party...
About Sunday...
If anyone is interested and con provide wheels, I was thinking of getting some peeps together to go on a photographic expedition to the Laurel Hill cemetary. Any takers? If not this weekend then maybe next weekend. I guess we could meet at my house or somewhere up this way like the Diner in the cemetary on Ridge Avenue and then head down.