Oct 25, 2001 15:50
So Michelle and I went to Boot Camp again yesterday. It was soooo much better than on Saturday. Afterwards, we picked up the gymn schedule, and we realized that the fact that this evening's class was a combined class for Level I/II/III as opposed to Saturmorning's Level III rating may have had something to do with that. In any case, we kept up beautifully, and really worked our muscles this time, instead of just doing crappy cardio stuff. Got to do lots of kicks and punching, too. I pretended I was kickin' some serious vampire ass. We're going to be so buff[y] come December.
It's funny, you'd think after a seventy-five minute hardcore workout I'd be tired as all-get-out, but I felt great. It's so good to be doing something productive with my body again. I miss team sports.