Oct 25, 2001 15:52
So after all those computer difficulties, things were up and running somewhat smoothly since yesterday afternoon. So why I haven't I blogged until now? Because I am stupid.
Apparently I forgot that when you have big problems like this, and end up reformatting and reinstalling things, your computer's timer gets a little screwed up. In fact, in generally throws itself back to January 1st. And in my case, January 1, 1998.
Then, when you go to your Livejournal, it automatically submits that date. Then, when it says "Success! Your post has been published!", and you go to look and it's not there, it's not because it screwed up. Nope, it's because you suck, and rather than posting at the top of the page, where your new entries go, it was way way way at the bottom.
That in itself wouldn't have been so frustrating. I mean, I figured out what was wrong within twenty-four hours. The main problem is that being the imbecile that I am, I persistently pressed the "post" button ad finitum. So that by the time I discovered my mistake, there were several million copies of the same two blogs (one time I exited the explorer and had to retype a new blog) on the page.
So then I got to spend the better half of a half-hour manually deleting posts. How fun is that? Learn from my mistakes, please. There's no reason for us all to be as stupid as I.