migration part two

Sep 16, 2010 09:31

Okay, just bear with me and all this will be done soon.

I hope.

I think I have now found everyone I can. I'm clearing folks off my LJ account as I find them over there. I've given access to (not that I lock anything, that's rather the point, isn't it? Moving to DW for a smaller pool to paddle about in?) everyone.

So if I have lost you (or if the person on DW with your user name is not you), please let me know (especially in the latter case). I probably screwed up a tickybox somewhere. Actually, there's no probably to it, is there? As many tickyboxes as I've checked in the last three days, I know I've screwed up at least one. Now the question is how long will it take to find. 8-)

You know what's really getting me? Okay, yes, the actual staring at the screen looking for a button that says "word" when the "alternate term" button is right there, that's getting real old real fast, but what actaully hurts is going through the managing list on LJ and seeing thamiris and ter369 and laforgery1. I can set up (eventually, with someone holding my hand) an RSS feed for beadslut and all the others who aren't moving, so that I can read her LJ from there but I can't do that with Thamiris.

To do list:
1. Move rest of fic to Skyehawke and/or AOOO.
2. LJ archive onto home computer
3. drop flist here to just those not on DW.
4. transfer pitifully small number of icons (15 is more than three, don't get me wrong, but *sniff* I bought the damn perm account to roll around in a dragon's horde of icons.) and save rest to home computer
5. Explain to mom what I'm doing and set up new lurking account for her there. Hi, mom!
6. relearn the cut tag. Yes, this gets its own stupid list entry. Yes, I really am that incompetant. thank you, Cinco!

Oh, also, I have one Archive of Our Own code if anyone doesn't already have one. Between the codesharing comms and the general availability, I assume that anyone who wants a DW account has one already, but I have some of those codes to give away, as well.


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