Migration (final)

Oct 07, 2010 11:04

This note should stay at the top of my Livejournal account for a while, since I'm not crossposting.

I have moved to Dreamwidth. It's a significantly smaller community, which is a disadvantage to larger community activities like conventions and writing festivals. However, I believe that the current and future owners of LiveJournal have a right to make a business flourish, and to make money in what ways they see most appropriate. I also see those decisions as being counter to what I, personally, am looking for in an online forum.

I've f-locked my Livejournal after copying it to Dreamwidth. Once the sweeping lock takes effect, I plan to go through and unlock all fiction to keep from breaking links from places I don't know about. If you want to link to my work in the future, the Archive of Our Own or Skyehawke links may be more stable than LJ.

I've granted access to everyone on DW who is cross-reading that I know of. If I have missed you, please let me know.

I understand that many people do not agree that Livejournal has become increasingly cavalier to its users. I understand that there are people would prefer not to support the individuals who run Dreamwidth. I have no counter arguments to make to either of those points, and in fact, wouldn't try to make them. I respect the reasons and decisions of those who choose to use Livejournal as a online social network. Livejournal and Dreamwidth are different platforms with different goals and different communities. At this point in time, Dreamwidth meets my own needs better.


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