Fabu's subject line was "anything to get me writing"

May 26, 2009 09:18

and Catt and I were talking this weekend about how I've stalled out, though that may be because what I'm working on right now is kind of epic in length, so I am putting words down, but I'm not posting anything*, so it feels like I'm not writing. So let's do something short. I haven't written a kiss in a while. (For newcomers to this journal, when I was writing fiction regularly, I used to answer feedback with kisses - leave a pairing and I'd do my best to make them smooch. )

Let's see if we can put a little WD-40 on my brain, shall we?

the meme went something like this: comment with your suggestion for the first line of a story and I'll reply with the next few lines. No guarantees that the results will be finished ficlets, and if I don't recognize the characters or the fandom, the results may be somewhat surreal!

Anybody want to play?

* BTW, anyone out there want to beta? We need a Britpicker, if you please. I've been putting off asking at the community, because we had a cheerleader and I don't want to explain to the mods why we don't want to use her.

not.on.skyehawke, writing, fiction, lemming

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