Last night was a completely horrible night to try and get a decent's night rest. I woke up first when James came home from poker. He was nice and just said goodnight. About 2 hours later, Tripod woke me up to go outside. 1.5 hours later, Tripod woke me up when he jumped from the bed to puke 5 times all over the floor. I got things cleaned, him and myself back to bed. 1 hour late he throws up by my feet on the comforter. I changed the blanket got us both back in bed again, and the alarm went off soon afterwards. Ugh. I am so lucky that I take morning showers, or I think I'd still be a dead person walking. It really woke me up.
I got into work around 7:30 to organize my room and get my materials ready for my lesson. We had our staff meeting and then I taught at first service. It was a great service. We were learning about how Jeremiah wrote a book in the Bible, but he had to write it twice because the King was angry and ripped his Bible scroll up and threw it into a fire. Mr. Brad wrote a Bible scroll and I was the angry King that tore it up all over the floor. The kids thought it was funny, but then we talked about how it would have made them feel. And.. how they would've felt if God asked them to re-write it. Our project today was taking ripped up pieces of construction paper to make a collage or picture. My 3-year-olds were marvelous with glue sticks (I had my doubts). :)
Second service, I was an assitant to Ms. Mary. I am so thankful she is back. She is wonderful with children, is a great friend to me, and a role model to the teachers in the PreK setting. Her heart is really in her work. Third service, I was burned out as I usually am. Brad or Megan never take the intiative to teach, so we did a quick lesson (one that Reverend Shane wanted done) and called it a day.
Michelle, my boss, later asked me if I'd like the last service to be my planning hour and I told her I'd love it. The kids will have 3 different lead teachers for each service, and I think that is exactly what we need. If anyone stays for 3 services, they are being taught by 3 different teachers who will touch their lives in different ways.
We had a planning meeting after church that turned into a 4 hour affair. I was at work for 9 hours today, and I am burned out. The meeting was about a lot of change, and it was stressful and emtional. I'm glad it's over and I have moved on, but I needed a good cry. I told James to hold me while I cried all over his shirt, and he comforted me and told me everything would be okay. I took myself to the bathtub and filled it with bubbles, and then I finally felt better and put back together. Enough to do my homework for the night. *Whew*
angelpez sorry I didn't see you soon enough to wave tonight on 161. That was right after my meeting, and I was completely in a haze.