A couple of fic recs

Apr 21, 2012 01:29

Well, more like one fic rec and one entire 'Verse rec

I just spent the last week devouring this whole 'verse. Someone used it on storyfinders as an "I want more like this" example. I would have never found it otherwise. Probably wouldn't have read it if I had- addiction stories rarely hit me right. 
But after a quick scan through the comments I decided to give it a try afterall.

Holy Crap! this verse is so amazing and heartbreaking and I'm totally in love with these boys, and everything they mean to each other and how screwed up they are and how they work together in their screwed up-ness. 
Btw this is also au in the fact that the boys aren't hunters and it's dean/cas which is fairly pg 13. BUT it's very much the boys and how they work and how Cas fits in with them.
I think what I like most too, is that the opening story takes place after Sam's fall into drugs and in rehab, during a relapse that wasn't his entirely fault  (She does go back in later stories and touch on that time of their life).
I started at the top and just worked my way down I didn't bother trying to put things in chronological order. The bottom few stories read as one continuous page, until you catch up to one of the above stories, which is weird to navigate through.

cosmic_medusa Three Kings


And this I found on ffnet-
John creatively finding a way for some peace and keeping the boys from driving him totally batty. Haha!  Adorable story.
Chaletian's - Dead Bodies

fanfiction, sn, sam, dean, recs

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