Sandcastle for Summer Lovin' Reverse Mini Bang

Aug 22, 2012 23:50

Ok, so this is the art for the spn_bigpretzel Summer lovin' Reverse Mini-bang, which the lovely anniespinkhouse claimed.
Honestly, I wasn't even thinking about how hard this would be, placing the boys in such an odd setting and trying to build a story around it. But she really rose to this challenge and did a fabulous job of making this art prompt into just a lovely sweet story about the boys having a bit of wind down time in Atlantic City, where they had a bit of fun with the cash that Bela gave them and a little time on the beach. I'm not gonna spoil it for you so go read!

You can find the story here at anniespinkhouse journal

Thanks to the spn_bigpretzel mods and community for such a fun challenge!

sam, dean, fanart

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