Did anyone else think Nate was shoving his drinking in his buddy's face? But I really like Nate talking with him.
The Star Wars CGI Yoda bit is awesome. Hardison's horrified stares- when he's staring at Parker- are awesome. He actually beats out Eliot's Geekspeak bitching. LOVE.
Hardison's giving props to Rockwell, almost thinking about making him part of the team. I'm totally reading that as foreshadowing with Hardison's entire Plan To Run A Crew Someday.
Oh, I love Nate taking himself down. Parker's "and you can't say booze," is awesome, then the kids disagreeing with the parents on the making Rockwell famous game.
The mugging scene. Hardison grinning while he films. The umbrella.
$3 bananas? I'm with Eliot.
What's Hardison got no frame of refere- OH.
Yeah, they probably should've let Eliot do it. Why didn't they?
PoPo? East coat/west coast? Love the negotiating about how Sophie'd be a better hostage.
Okay, cleaning up the footage- Eliot looks way too cheerful for a looking at a screen scene. And he starts grinning again when Hardison starts going off the geek spiral. BUSTED! Turns out Eliot and I agree on bananas AND Hardison.
The slow clapping thing. Haha! And Hardison looking at Eliot like HE's the dork for once.
Parker's getting better at the flirting thing. The "squee" thing would be irritating if I didn't like her so much. Seriously. Squee is all wrong for this scene. It's all psychotically excited, not slightly turned on-
"No stabbing Wednesdays, new tradition." Greasy Nate is greasy. You can tell by the hair and also the personality.
Sophie and Hardison exchanging cliche's. Ah well.
Nate's coming on so slick that Rockwell's got to be onto him. Aha! Asking for a background check on Nate. Could be interesting...?
Sophie's analysis of Nate while he's bugging Hardison is kinda awesome. Hardison seems a bit- I don't know
HOLY CRAP I had to rewind the "going over the motivational seminars brochure" scene three or four times. Parker getting excited! The expression on her face when she explains the empty nest seminar!
Did I just hear this right?
Eliot: "...how's this guy gonna play to a crowd that shows up for 'You Can't Love Him Until You Love You'?"
Parker: "You should go to that one anyway." Or possibly "We should go to that one anyway"
Eliot: *looking over in annoyance, followed by a contemplative twitch of the eyebrow*
Now THIS is how you squee!
Does anyone else feel all bad about what they did to that other motivational speaker guy? I mean. It's funny, but I feel bad for the guy.
I feel kinda bad for the mark, now, too, with how Nate's talking him up and him going for it so wholeheartedly. He just looks too nice. And then he gets into it. Awww.
Hardison's suggesting to Nate what he should be doing next? Without having to go into a wild justification? Nice!
There's that background check thing again. Uh oh.
Hardison seems real chill this episode. The Yoda thing aside. Neat.
Ooh, Eliot's car again. Nice.
Parker's assumption of Rockwell's sex change? Random, even for her. :)
Sophie talking about Nate on comms.
Ooh, Eliot's fighting now! Ah, it's the second in command bad guy.
Fighty fighty fighty fight screen door!
Eliot fixy fixy fixy screen door. I like this lady. She looks kinda like Parker and I don't know why. Hmm accident. OH ROCKWELL REALLY IS A BAD GUY OKAY
That's where the background check is going? I thought Rockwell was going to find something on Nate through background checks.
The picture thing- tampering with the negatives. Damn. Slick. But lady whose name I've missed sounds like she's pretty tough. Cool.
Damn, she does look like Parker. Only not really. Whatever.
Hardison and Parker stealing old evidence. Parker on the chair! Hah! Nice fishing for the location of the records. Beautiful.
Did Eliot just get sent to his room? He totally did. Hahahahee! Parker's stomping off in solidarity.
Huh. Stolen negatives are a dead end.
Ah. Cool lady is back, setting them up!
Okay, Parker's the one driving, Saw that as soon as he got in the car. Now I see why the lookalike thing. HOLY SHIT CRASH NOOOPARKER!
Shit, Rockwell's getting away- okay, it's supposed to go like this. I see where it's going. She's fine.
Rockwell in the interrogation scene
Okay. She really IS fine. Good. Nice double reveal with Eliot driving, but in retrospect, yeah, DUH.
Yay, more Yoda. I really like the summary of the deal with Sophie and Nate. :)
This episode's my favorite of the season so far. Definitely. Hang on, there's still some time left... OH HEY BIG BAD GUY.
Yeah. Me likey. That's all.