Mar 24, 2008 21:24
Cakes needed: 6
Cakes baked: 6, but I might bake one over.
I apparently undermixed the first white ended up having a pocket of butter and sugar that didn't get mixed in, so it caramelized a bit. It's darned tasty, but not so pretty, even under the crumb-coat. So I may not be done baking quite yet.
The house smells buttery and slightly almond-y, the kitchen is a disaster, but I'm taking the rest of the evening off.
The rest of the evenings this week will be focused on making copper gumpaste leaves, complete with verdigris. I experimented this weekend to find the right combination of colors...should I color the gumpaste or just paint it? How am I going to make it look like it has been weathered?
I ended up kneading color into the gumpaste, painting the terracotta colored gumpaste with bronze pearl dust mixed with vodka (because it dries faster than water), then kinda dry-brushing it with a bluish-greenish colored icing of milk and powdered sugar. When it dries, it looks like verdigris! It's really pretty cool!!
I'm really excited that things are coming together well. Now the only thing I'm really worried about is putting it all together. I have no idea how I'm going to connect it all.
Oh...and the monogram. I designed a beautiful monogram, but I don't know how I'm going to pipe it. I'm scared about that, too. My piping skills aren't that great. But I'll figure it out. I always find a way. :o)
That's it for the cake update tonight. We now return you to your regularly scheduled dessert (a chocolate bunny in this house. *g*)