3838: Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart

Apr 22, 2011 00:25

This is unexpectedly relevant:And keep this image in mind: When people are learning to skate, they mostly look down at their feet. As they get confident, they look ahead. As veterans, they look around freely.
As to the actual article, I imagine that would have to be the main way I ever become a parent--because otherwise there's an orphan out on the street with no one at all looking out for him/her. But more trivially, I finally approached the middle stage today in skating [before the usual pain became unbearable].

I note two things about practice, tho: 1. Our street is slightly downhill on the most level portion [left when facing the road/right when facing the house], which makes it slightly more difficult on the return trip. 2. I look down primarily because when I wouldn't, I found I got caught on random debris in the road. [Of course, this happens even when I look, but it's still the strongest argument for finding one of those non-existant local skating rinks.]

I also thought of another MoD story: "ALL OF THE ABOVE" ...basically, Torchwood fan fiction =p [definitely not writing that]

[[on that note, tho, they finally added me to the Hall of Fame! =D ]]

[[[just ahead of someone else who also sent an e-mail the same day, who's likely thinking, "WTF HAX0RZ DX" XD]]

...and there's this "Don't Say Gay" thing, apparently ¬_¬ [remind me why I don't wanna go back home]

hax, mod, whataworld, whatapain, writey, nobabies, politicrap

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