3837: Life As Expected

Apr 21, 2011 00:51

I unfortunately thought of a MoD short story that is definitely a MoD story, vs. one of my [more] original stories masquerading as a MoD story in order to get published in an actual in-bookstores book, but one of the fatal flaws in my previous attempts. Following the original criteria, the title is (one of) the predictions dispensed by the machine--"AS EXPECTED"--and explores the impact of what this means to the character who receives it. [It is, in fact, as expected.]

I don't know if I'll actually write the story. It's pretty much useable only as a MoD story, and I'm not inclined to invest the time to be "next on the bandwagon" when I said in the first place that I'd rather be on the bandwagon from the start, if at all. That's kind of permission for someone to steal the idea from me, if you really want, though don't ask for help with it if you do. [I'll be busy.]

[[And no, I didn't finish the picture nor did I start this week's comic or the skeleton for the book project I'm trying to start 9_9 Sucks to be me!]]

[[[yes, I realize it sucks less than being other people, but just sayin']]]

anyway grapes

mod, writey, seepy

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