3836: Live Like You Wanna Live

Apr 20, 2011 01:17

Among other things I didn't do, I didn't post a lot of the trifling shit I normally post about, because I was actually occupied. Actually, the image at said link should have been finished by now except I got this in the mail:

Click HERE [not above] to see what I got! ...for those of you who didn't see me post only the unveil at other social networking bullshittery locations =p

Anyway, this normally would have been thirty seconds of amusement before on to bigger and better things, but there's a URL on it... well, okay, two URLs, but machineofdeath.net/puzzle is the one of particular note, due to a particular unfortunate keyword D=

I'll leave the rest as an exercise to the reader, 'cause I already did the hard work and got my prize [maybe], so y'all can, too! Anyway, it feels like completing the circle, as it were, now that my "rip-off" book is long done, though I pretty much only skimmed through the art [for the puzzle] and read only the two one-page and Yahtzee's entries.

I'll read the rest later. Like, when I get a physical copy =p

Anyway... uh. I dunno. I felt both annoyed and pleased to have skipped so many days of checking in with random garbage that I don't know what to put here, really. I guess:
- Saturday marked my being at AUI for a year! [though, I didn't realize it until I did a survey on Monday and said I hadn't been there a year]
- Monday saw me getting both NO MAIL and LOTS OF MAIL... in that they insisted I had NO MAIL when I stood in line and asked why there wasn't anything, then they called me after I got back to work and said, "Why didn't anyone pick up the LOTS OF MAIL here?!" ::>_a cavemanI can do that don't need to be farmed out] would cut down on that expense. The thing I mostly don't want to do is be one of those people who "hires" a DeviantArtist and pays in "exposure" or otherwise screw over someone else for this thing that isn't remotely going to earn back what I invest without some serious effort [also part of the talking out loud thing, how will I manage this fiasco].

I also want to know the legal aspect of it before even looking for someone [which may end up being Marc, regardless, just 'cause]. What kind of contract and shit, what about royalties [I'm inclined to say none other than base pay + free copies, just 'cause I'm lazy], all that. It seems like so much work that it'd almost be easier just to force myself to do it [also lazy], but I'd really have to START THE DAMN PROJECT to see...! X/

so there's that ='


argh, sucks, whatapain, thunk, photoy, experimenty, maily, sweary, whatamitaggingexactly, death, mod, riddlemethis, ihatemaily, lazy

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