Here is a bit of scrapings from the depths of my twisted memory, with a heavy smattering of paraphrasing until such time as I can figure out
iTunes [and even then, I can't remember if it's
[insert all that snazzy political ad music and glossy stills of each candidate in turn]
Jim Beam has consistently voted to raise taxes for lower-, middle-, and upper-classes alike, bringing state income taxes to the highest in the nation.
John Doe has not.
Jim Beam has embezzled money from funds for Medicare, Social Security, and welfare, then turned around and spent it all on beer and hookers.
John Doe has not.
Jim Beam has lobbied heavily to segregate races, religions, and sexes in schools, workplaces, public buildings, and homes.
John Doe has not.
Jim Beam has enslaved his own children and the children in his neighbourhood, putting them to work in sweatshops in order to make Kimmy Spangle designer clothes.
John Doe has not.
Jim Beam has [done etc. etc. etc. stuff that NOBODY would want].
John Doe has not.
However, John Doe uses a urostomy bag.
Vote for Jim Beam, because at least he doesn't piss into a sack.
This is how mudslinging should be done XDXDXD
[re:'s a state *shrug* and "The Songs of the 50 States" doesn't quite work, and I don't feel like looking for a better one]
tired =_=