2619.5: Hammering In My Head

Dec 20, 2007 15:17


Something occured to me when I thought about it: I have been picking up the licensed fan-fictionFMA novels!, if only because Inoue actually managed to write a couple of good stories* that meshed really well with cannon. Five novels have been released so far, and three of the five have been really good, the other two [third and fourth] being kinda middling at best.
*"The Land of Sand" [a.k.a. "The Other Brothers Elric"] and "The Phantom of Warehouse 13"--both of which made it into the anime

Yet I realized while reading them I wasn't really reading them, like I just wanted to plow through them and have them read, rather than actually enjoying the story. It seems strange, because if I like the story, why rush through it? I mean, sure, I rushed through reading HP, but HP was its own animal when I read the books, as otherwise gobs of insensitive morons would spoil it for me. ["Jesus dies on page 619"]

I haven't figured out why this is with FMA. Is it that the novels are doujin? Is it that, as much as I proclaim how books are an increasingly-snubbed medium, I'm just tired of them? Is it that I've already had the pace of Hagaren established by the manga that reading it is dull by comparison? Problem is I can't just change something like a book or movie to see if it would be better one way or another, because the experience is already established--I would have to lose my memory of it for a truly scientific approach to why a certain narrative is better in one medium than another, and even then it's subjective.

There are Ah! Megami-sama novels [!!!] pending, but I'm not sure whether I'll try reading those as well, if I can expect a high probability of the same outcome. I think I'll have to find a non-movie/non-adapted-to-other-medium book to read as comparison, though I'll kind of expect it to be just as boring without a lunch break to pace myself with it =/

Note to self: I read Watership Down, too--make a list :p On that note, an old dialogue with Mum:[talking about baby names]
Mum: I said, "She looks like an Anne." 'Hazel' is a plant.
Me: ...or a rabbit! XD
Mum: This was before the rabbit =D
Hay I recognize ceiling noise, that really awful remake of "My Favorite Things" X(

Edit: Wait, I should borrow Predator's Gold, WHAT AM I THINKING \=O

bother, booky, quote-lololol, moviey, thunk, hagaren

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