2619.75: Pure Example

Dec 20, 2007 18:04

Also, the two Gabriel Knight book adaptations: kinda crap =p I mean, they streamline the narrative a bit [partially to avoid just making them game walkthroughs], and The Beast Within is much easier to read than standing there listening to all the crap Grace has to listen to in the museum that only real history buffs or detail-whores would pay attention to in order to tell which things trigger her dumb ass being able to progress the story which is where my brother got stuck and I just remembered that I meant to send him my save from after that point so he could see the rest of the game but maybe he's already gotten through that by now and didn't tell me 'cause they have to do the miles-long Russian queue thing for Internet access--


--but especially since Jensen never got to the third book, they're crap compared to the games. Even Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned, for all its horrible interface, filled out the trilogy and gave a satisfactory conclusion, compared to having this feeling of being left hanging with the [altered] ending for Book 2. I think only non-gamers would enjoy the books more, by virtue of it doesn't take installation and XYZ hours of game time to get through a book.


I hate panic buttons. I mean, there's--what?--a thirty-foot radius in which it's useful, excluding the interior of the car itself? Farther than that, no one's going to pay attention, except that, hey, this fucking car alarm went off and isn't that annoying. Inside the car, it's easier to just honk the horn. In any event, it might be easier just to carry around one of those compact umbrellas [do not use like a bat, but in a stabby motion, like a knife] or even an airhorn, instead of this random slightly-indented button that's nevertheless easy to trigger on accident on my keyless entry.

Car alarms in general have been bitched about as defeating their own purpose, for that matter. "Who ever hears a car alarm and says, 'Boy, that car's getting stolen!'?" was one of the comments in Marilyn [about worst inventions]. Certainly of any species, I for one would love for the extinction of urban crickets. Good riddance! |:p



...my default "cabin fever" destination back home used to be Wal-Mart, 'cause it was always open and I could buy most of everything I would need there. Here, it seems to be Borders \:' though part of that was I could buy almost anything I need at Target as part of the workday. Hrm. I ought to go if for no other reason than my bank is there, too.

ugh!, noisy, booky, games, thunk, complainy, marilyn

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