More secrets

May 25, 2007 11:16

I've been listening to at least some parts of "The Secret" nearly every day.  One of the reoccurring themes in there is "Ask and you shall receive".  The idea is that you place an order with the Universe like you would with a mail order catalog, then you go about your life as though your order is on it's way.  They say not to trouble yourself with the details of how it's going to get to you, just get ready for it and expect it to come.  The power of your thought will send that wish into the universe and the energy of the thought will direct the universe to align itself to deliver. They spend a lot of time talking about how thinking and ruminating on negative things and things you don't want sends that same energy into the universe to place an order for more bad stuff, especially if you go on with your life preparing for more bad things to happen.  Finally, once something good happens, acknowledge it and express some gratitude.

I can't reconcile myself with the theories of The Secret and emperical science.  As a spiritual person, I believe we are all energy and we are all connected, that the world is round and what we put out there comes back to us.  Intention, action and thought move our beings.  As an emotional person, I believe that what you look for is what you're going to find - look for the bad in people/situations and you'll find it.  Look for the good and you'll find it.  As a scientific person I believe that cause and effect are measurable and it's hard to quantify how sincerely someone wishes or prays for something and whether or not they got what they asked for (please don't even factor in the theological concept of if someone deserves something or not).

All that said, I'm finding I'm a bit happier since experimenting with The Secret.  I drive into parking lots expecting a good parking spot and I get it, right up front most of the time (my criteria is to be within 3-5 spaces closest to the door).  I'm trying to remember to say "Thank You" each morning as my feet touch the floor, kind of a "thanks in advance" message to the universe and a little "thank you" for sleep and rest and all the comforts I enjoyed in my sleep.  It's all doing me a some good.  So I will continue to prepare for the good things and accept them when they happen.

As part of my Secret experiment, I created a collage of all the things I want out of clip art and pictures from the net.  I have copies at work and at home and try to remember to really look at it each day and think about it.  This is what it looks like:

Briefly, these are the things on this collage (starting in the upper left corner, clockwise, spiraling in)
  • A trip to Andalucia in Spain
  • Finding a match
  • Getting $7,000 unexpectedly
  • Going back to Hawaii
  • Traveling
  • Reaching my goal weight by my 1 year surgery anniversary
  • Getting regular massage
  • Going to Gunflint Lodge
  • Being healthy
  • Working in Antarctica
  • Finishing my college degee
  • Having flowers everyday
  • Paying off my credit card debt
  • Completing my goals so my Daruma have two eyes
  • Taking good care of my feet
  • Buying a teardrop trailer and a vehicle to pull it with
  • Smelling plumeria regularly
  • Falling in love
  • Meeting a cute girl, being a cute girl, giving/receiving flowers
  • Finding serenity (that's that Kanji symbol you see on my posts.  It's also a tattoo I have)
These are my measurables (says the scientist) and these are my wishes (says the girl).  I invite you to watch it happen with me.

I'm sharing this with you because I feel like it's really working for me (LJ Friends, you know what I'm talking about) and I encourage you to give it a try.

I'm also posting this as a big shout out to the Universe.

Hey Universe! 
You know that stuff I've been thinking about?  I really mean it.  Thanks in advance! 
Your Friend,

vacation, camping, goals, prayer, romance, aloha, the secret, lucky, love, romantic, pedicure, weight loss, travel, antarctica, daruma, dating, hawai'i

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