Live your own paradise

Apr 08, 2013 14:04

Things might be simple, but it ain't easy

From the brilliant mind of Dr. House, which had been stuck in my head for years now - proves to be eternally true.

When you talk to a lot of people on a daily basis, you would find out that almost all of them wants to do something. Wants to be someone. Aspirations. Dreams. When you ask that painful "Why? ..." expect a list of reasons which I dub - excuses.
  1. I want to move on and find my one true love.
  2. I want to travel
  3. I want to practice my craft
  4. I want to quit my job

It is easy to say, THEN GO FREAKING DO IT. Truth of the matter is - nobody's stopping anybody. And I know for a fact, smart people are aware about this however for some odd reasons they just can't do it. I understand, a person needs to think about the entire universe before doing something. There's nothing wrong with being careful. Sometimes, the things we do can cause a domino effect to half of the world - so it's alright to think. It's alright to analyze things. It's okay to be fearful. But if it stops you from being happy, if it stops you from being who you are then the fuck are you doing still existing? Get a knife and cut your carotid.

Balance is they key. Be carefully careless.

Choose your battles. Choose your dreams. Will I be stepping on someone else's dream? Will my actions bear a negative effect on someone? If you're a psycho and you enjoy killing - do the math.

I once talked to a man who said that he doesn't know what he really wants in life. At 29, he's still in that stage where he would try a lot of things just to find out his niche. Once again, nothing wrong with that. I actually applaud him because he's really thinking and it matters to him - his place in this world. However, when he mentioned that the reason why he's stuck in his own abyss is his ex-girlfriend - I kinda went furious. There's a little exaggeration with my word choice but in real life its really close to that. Nobody drags you to dwell in the past nor someone points a gun at your head and tell you to freak out for your future. All of these are choices YOU make. I cannot let go Chrissake! I love him You don't stop loving someone, you accept the fact that there are things which are not meant to be and the fact that you love him then you take that first step away. You will love that someone forever but when you find that person God planned for you, there's another level of loving you would find. Then you would realize why it didn't work out. I don't like what I'm doing GO AWAY! It's all about the money By all means, go to a place where you'll have what you need. Once again, when you start to whine about all different reasons - don't point fingers. ALL OF WHICH ARE YOUR CHOICES. Don't go telling me, even when my boss sucks? That's my fault? NO. However, what do you do about it? Not telling you to plan a hit for your boss (Horrible Bosses yo!) what I am saying is - Did you exert all efforts to let the right people know that they suck?

Things will never be easy. If they were, I might as well be dead. What I am saying is, life is simple. Don't freaking complicate it. If you're happy - then go smile at the universe. If you're angry - go to the right channels. If you're in love with a person - express it. If you don't like a person - don't bother. Heavens breathe life into you to take a journey in His paradise. Not create a hell out of it.

friends, lessons, family, life, love

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