Just got my last Spanish composicion back. It looks rather like he peed on it in green ink. ::sigh:: Guess I've got some corrections to do. (This wasn't the one I just turned in today, btw. Last one
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In the last half hour, my fic on KS Archives has jumped from 475 reads to 482 reads. This is one of the sharper jumps it's had since it started sinking lower on the "recently added" list
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I'm not sure what this says about me, but there's nothing quite like the warm happy glow of new LJ icons.
Gyno appointment tomorrow. Feels like some sort of rite of passage. Thought I'd shave my legs - just to be polite, I suppose - but I didn't. Wish me luck.
For the first time in FOREVER, I have new icons. HUZZAH-RAY!
A disproportionate number of them are Star Trek. If anyone has any Beatles icons they'd like to share, I still have 14 vacancies, and that's one obsession that's yet to be filled in iconery.
Livejournal seems to have decided at random that I am allowed THIRTY TWO userpics. THIRTY TWO. And I was rather tired of ALL Highlander pics, so I kept my favorites and filled out the other twenty five pics with all sorts of stuff. This combined with LJ's new feature that allows you to crop LJ pics from bigger pictures (a godsend to
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I love my cocksucker icon. I really do. But for some reason I didn't feel comfortable using it on LJ. There are more people here who don't know me, and I can certainly see myself getting a lot of "Dude, what's with the icon?" looks. Especially from people in the sex snark area of LJ
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