In the last half hour, my
fic on KS Archives has jumped from 475 reads to 482 reads. This is one of the sharper jumps it's had since it started sinking lower on the "recently added" list.
You know what that means? Buncha people readin' fic at work/school. XD
... Yes I'm obsessively keeping track of my read count. Doesn't everybody? >.>
PS: This pimp icon has become my sort of K/S default icon. I've got more now, but this one is the one with which I identify most strongly. Possibly because I haven't seen anyone else using it. (I didn't make it, so I can't say It's mine don't take it, but it pleases me that it is sort of "mine" by virtue of utility.) And it's fitting, because I am SUCH a fic-pimp. I need to finish some fic so I can be a proper pimp, with all my bitches n hos.
... No. What I SHOULD be doing is going to class, and writing the text for my project.
I've been fighting the check-out for weeks. This isn't looking good.